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Posts posted by Axisplayer

  1. Glad to see a few familiar names still hanging around. Been a while since I checked in. Still alive and kicking. Our area is slowly getting more normalized, and bands are starting to see some work, but not like it was by any means. I got totally out to the sound and light business for a long time and just hung out playing guitar at home. Got bit by the bug and started playing with folks again. We haven't gotten out and booked but we will be by summer. I had sold all my gear so I have been in startup mode again. I tried it last year with some other folks, bought a decent old school all EAW, QSC Powerlight system still using the 01v96 which I refused to give up. Band broke up and left me a lot of thousands in the hole. I sold it all and said nothing big again, ever. Well, that was last year.... This year I am playing some folks and we are having a ball. We all get along and like each other. (How unusual!) Anyway, I did buy a system but it is a shadow of a real system. It is for tiny corner bar stuff where a huge crowd might be 100 people. Got a little Mackie DL1608, 2 JBL EON 615s, 2 JBL EON 618s, 4 JBL EON 610s, and 4 Shure PSM300 systems with good buds for everyone. Picked up some old school Martin scanners, maybe 20 LED cans, and a couple of movers. 20 feet of truss. Thats gonna be about it. Only things splurged on were my Westone buds and a KSM9. I miss running sound. Just got too old and feeble to do it. Still alive, but only so long to go. Stage 4 emphysema reared it's ugly head 4-5 years ago. Oxygen won't help me per pulmonologist, so no idea when my ticket punches. Anyway, had a great ride, loved coming here in it's and my heydays. Made a lot of good friends see. Know most of the folks that posted so far here. Glad you guys are still around. OneEng, don't know where you are in NC but I am in southeast VA across from Norfolk/Va Beach. Anyway, glad to touch base. Be back in a while I hope, good lord willing and creek don't rise.....as they say here.

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  2. I haven't been on here is a while. I was super active on Live Sound forum for a LOT of years but that faded out. I moved over to here some years ago, but the same thing started to happen. I feel like The Man Without a Country.  Actually I am more into GAS than ever in my life. I have spent most of my son's inheritance buying stuff I always wanted. LOL. Retirement is fun. Seriously, I did go upscale a good bit in terms of quality and somewhat in quantity of the gear. Maybe I'll try and get some pictures to put on here, if anybody drops by here to read posts now.

  3. This thread is hysterically funny. I recently was in Goodwill and bought a PAIR of SP-1s in normal working condition, needing only paint, for $25. Brought them home and they sounded as good as they ever did. Gave them to a kid band. The only time I thought they were decent is when a friend got a pair in 1960s for his  "rock" band in HS. Powered with a CS800. Yea, he thought it was great. Today they are virtually useless for anything approaching good sound. Yes, they get loud and make noise. So do jet airplanes.

    PS-Someone trying to argue with Agedhorse about PAs was entertaining. ....where angels fear to tread. Andy is a walking encyclopedia about audio gear. Good luck with that!

  4. Reminds me of when I used to have to stack SR4733X cabs on top of my LS800s. They weighed as much as I did at the time. I used the same "T" system to get them up there as you did Dookie. Eventually I learned how to work smarter, not harder. I hired a HUGE college kid that would just pick them up and walk around with one in front of him asking me where to put it. He just just walk over with one and put it DOWN on the top of the sub. Once I switched to QRX212 cabs, I felt like I was sitting a monitor cab on the subs. Weighed nothing by comparison. So glad those days are gone. My system is now a LOT smaller, but I am not.... Old age and good food took a toll. LOL


  5. Guys, are you talking about the D12? Really. The D112 is junk but have not read bad things on a D12. Considered those several notches up the line from the reviled D112. I just wanted to be sure we got that right since this thread will guide others. D12 have a storied history as a good solid kick drum mic.

  6. If you mean Celestion Blue speakers, they are almost universally regarded as the finest alnico speaker ever made. They have clarity, and yet smoothness. They are THE sound of vintage speakers which is why the older (real) VOX amps came with them. Some other speakers are close seconds, but nothing replaces them for vintage sound low volume speakers. They only reach full potential in open back cabinets. They are worth more than your amp so I would certainly eliminate that thought. The Vintage 30 was created originally to be a high power version of it. They missed that mark, but it is decent in certain situations. The Greenback is THE sound of classic rock for the most part. Almost every Marshall had them for a LONNNNNGGGGG time. One Greenback is also low wattage, as in either 20 or 25 watt versions. The V30 is the only thing you named that will survive alone in your amp.


  7. EDIT: This replaces my prior system description since almost everything was replaced except for snake and mics.

    ABOUT ME: I am a 55 year old computer geek for NASA. I started playing in bands in 1961 as a guitarist and vocalist. I value good equipment and always buy the best I can almost afford....

    GEAR: I started with a small PA I had bought for the band previously. I added gear and wound up with a nice system. But it was too large. I hadn't built the system with a goal in mind. It just grew until I wasn't physically able to move the gear by myself anymore. I sold almost everything and started over with a very specific goal - the smallest system I could assemble that would handle 90% of my work, and could be moved by one person.


    Board: I bought a Yamaha 01v96 with 2x external Behringer ADA8000 preamps. I also carry a Langevin dual channel preamp for the money channels. I sold my old FOH. I replaced 24 rack spaces of compressors, gates, GEQ's, and effects with one console that had everything I needed. Weight savings between the analog and digital systems was substantial - I reduced my load almost 300 pounds. I did acquire a Mac laptop for FOH which runs the 01v96 and replaces my CD players. I have a Silex USB server to run FOH wireless for sound check.

    AMPS: My RMX amps were reliable but heavy. I carried two racks of 3 each. Total weight of RMX racks was 350 lbs. I bought three new Crown amps. FOH runs off one Itech 6000 and 4 monitor channels from 2 XTI-4000's. Current amp rack (one instead of two as before) weighs 120 lbs.

    CABLING: Most of my interconnects are EWI bought from Audipile. They are "bang for buck" investments. The main one is a 150' 32/8 reel snake. I will not change brand anytime soon. I have two smaller EWI cables used as stage runs.

    PROCESSING: One VSX26 for FOH. One Alesis DEQ830 (8 channels of GEQ) for FOH and 4 monitor channels.


    Mid/Hi cabs:
    EV QRX212 - These replaced by beloved SR4733X cabs. They are capable of making just as much noise, but at half the weight and half the wattage. Went from 300 lbs of mains to 160 lbs of mains.

    Yorkie 1208's - These replaced four LS808's. They are easier to roll around, require slightly less power, and the pair handles the same SPL as the 4 prior subs together. Weight savings of about 50 lbs.

    EV FM1202ER (4)
    JBL SR4706A (2)

    I put 650 watts into each EV and 1200 into each JBL. All are fuzzy and collect crap from the floor, but sound fine.


    SM86 - 3
    SM87 - 2
    SM57 - 5
    SM7 - 1
    B57 - 2
    B56 - 1
    B52 - 2
    OM-5 - 4
    D4 - 2
    D2 - 4
    D1 - 2
    ADX50 - 2
    AT250 - 1
    AT250DE - 1
    AT2021 - 1
    ATM25 - 1
    AT4033a - 1
    AT 1400 wireless system
    AT 3000 wireless system
    Langevin CR3A (1)

    SUMMARY: The transition to this system has saved a lot of weight and space. I reduced the trailer weight by over 700 lbs. and have room to move around in it now. I also reduced the footprint required in a club significantly. I can move every piece of equipment alone. As a bonus, the reduction in AC draw has been significant due to less power requirements for mains, and the move to the efficient amps. I can run the system at a strong SPL on one 20 amp circuit, and full tilt on 2x20 circuits.

    I love this system. If I had a few Microwedges instead of my current monitors, I could almost bring myself to stop buying gear.....NAH! icon_lol.gif

  8. Modifications to system described much earlier:

    Having done several outdoor shows this summer, I found that when driven hard in hot weather, the RMX 1450's would sometimes thermal briefly. Since they are powering my FOH tops, this was NOT acceptable. I have moved those from 4 ohm bridged for the JBL's to 8 ohm bridged for the EAW's type duty. They will support the EAW's used as near fields, or smaller show FOH.

    I replaced the RMX 1450's with RMX 1850HD's since they are more reliable for 4 ohm bridged duty. They do increase the FOH tops from 1400 watts per cab to 1800 per cab, but that is still inline with the JBL recommendation for powering them (1200-2400 per the user's manual.)

    Shows outside this weekend again and will report back if they fail to deliver the goods, but I find that unlikely having used the same amps for my subs for some time.

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