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Posts posted by niceguy

  1. I'd say this sounds like a pretty good deal if you like the amp.


    Thanks! Gonna demo it this weekend and will report back. I really hope it's in as good condition as the seller says!


    Anything I should look out for? This will be the first time I'm buying a used tube amp. I figure I'll play all channels, spin the knobs to check for dirty pots, etc etc.

  2. Hm, thanks for all the replies. You've given me quite a bit to think over!


    Foremost, though, I won't buy the amp unless I can talk it down to $350.


    I'd noticed the Bogner Alchemist sale earlier, but that got me thinking: there's likely a reason why these amps are being blown out. I want to buy an amp which I'll use forever, not a flavor of the week which I trade out later. Ideally, I'd like to have a Fender combo for cleans, a Mesa of some sort, and a Vox of some sort.

  3. 1-I like the Studio because it really does have a big and thick sound which is noticeable above other designs. I could even notice it with the stock pickups which I had to have for a while to determine that they weren't exactly what I wanted (possibly because that sound was so dense and had a character that I wasn't very familiar with).

    2-I like them because they don't have neck bindings. That is the area that Gibson is the sloppiest with and most every time I read a complaint about Gibson Quality Control issues, that is the only thing that I think of because most everything else is done right almost all of the time IMO.

    3-I also really appreciate that it has the same components as other Les Pauls but is not necessarily flashy. I like the GO and I don't care too much for the SHOW.

    4-The '59 neck is great for me. I like lots of different necks but when you are holding a Studio neck ('59 neck) then you know you are holding onto something. They aren't great for small hands but you can't tell me that it doesn't add to the tone when your strings are running up a nice thick neck instead of a little skinny neck.

    5-It is nice to have a great guitar like a Gibson Les Paul without having to spend multiple thousands of dollars.

    very well put! I'm seriously looking into Studios now. I kinda like the workhorse, non-flashy appeal.

  4. I own both---MIM strat, MIA tele. They are my only electric guitars, and I gig frequently.


    The neck finish, edges, and frets are much better on the MIA. I love the glossed fretboard of the MIA, as well.


    I swapped out pickups on both guitars, so no comment on electronics. But, even with better pickups, the MIM sounds a bit *lifeless* when amplified to band levels.


    The MIA is 3 pieces of alder, the MIM is easily 7+ pieces.


    MIA came with an incredible case; MIM did not.


    So, the neck is the most obvious advantage to the MIA, IMO. Body wood, too---I can hear a difference. :p

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