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  1. Freeman Keller, I have a few (bones) to pick with you. I am glad you understand that pins, strings, and picks make a huge difference. However saddles make the most difference. If you have only tested Tusq ( which is high stress fine grain plastic , and not man made Ivory). Glad to see you also care about the planet. I don't mean to sound condescending but it is Hawksbill Sea Turtle shell, and not tortoise. Tortoise's are land dwelling animals only. There is someone out west that raise a Tortoise that has a shell that is like the sea turtle shell, and it is legal too. As far as you can't change the tone on an acoustic you can with the right saddle material, and tusq is not it. I know how to make a carbon fiber sound like wood, and to make some woods sound much different with a saddle.
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