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Everything posted by Teobeck

  1. I have found that 25.5 scale guitars like tweed circuit amps better, and 24.75 scales like blackface amps better, when doing both lead and rhythm. Of course this presumes clean to medium gain music, particularly Jazz/Blues. Pickups are a personal choice for sure, and I love HBs, P-90s and single coils for various things like most everyone. What is interesting is that my two least expensive axes (Reverend & Samick) do what they do well, better than anything I have found for any price. Of course this presumes that one can get pups, pots and caps of choice, but tonewood and overall design/construction are big issues. My Gibson ES 339 is one of the best sounding semi hollows I have ever heard, but my Samick RL-4 semi hollow is also. Why? The Gibson is plywood laminate, and the Samick is all mahogany. The Samick has a darker tone, while the Gibson has an unbeatable ring. I put P-94 pups in the Samick, and it wails. Tone has become a science of sorts. ALNiCo mag speakers tone down a bright Fender amp, while ceramic speakers will liven up a darker amp. Certain pedals work. If I could just have one guitar and one amp forever, I'd have to take ES-339 and Fender Princeton Reverb. But I would sure miss Reverend and Samick and Sligo, they are a serious #2.
  2. I am not familiar with old necks, but have read that they are basically unchanged. I learned today that Contour Control can remain full on with Tone at half mast and bridge pup will sing for leads while neck and bridge together (position 3 middle) will do rhythm with nice bass touch without touching controls. Of course I'm playing Chicago blues, with single note leads on bridge pup and barre chords and bass lines for rhythm in middle position. I miss HB full bass tones, but love those tele leads on bridge. Six Gun loves my Barber Tone Press for added sustain and compression, and Barber LTD SR OD pedal through my Princeton Reverb. Semi hollows with HBs are better for rhythm, but nothing really rivals a good single coil bridge pup for stinging leads above the octave ala Clapton's style (IMHO).
  3. My Six Gun came yesterday. 12" radius, rosewood fretboard, hardtail, 25.5 scale bolt on, Contour Control and 3 great pups. Intonates perfectly, effortless action. Smaller than my CP Jazzmaster. Easy to do bends above the octave all the way to 22nd fret due to fret width. Korina body has awesome sustain and resonance, strong pups, no upgrade needed. Great balance standing up. Graphite nut. I'm a blues/Jazz player, and this guitar was a very pleasant surprise. Even positions 2 & 4 are nice. Can get strat, Tele, and close to HB sounds with Contour control. No cons at all. Best buy ever at $625 out the door. This replaces my Fender CP JM at gigs.
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