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Everything posted by ghoasttoast

  1. So sounds like the general consensus is find the heaviest material I can. thanks everyone.
  2. Go with your spouse or girlfriend to the fabric shops. You can often get great deals on older styles of curtain fabric. Look for something heavy and think multiple layers. um why do I need to go with my spouse? so I don't look silly shopping for fabric?
  3. I would spend maybe a couple hundred if I thought it was worth it. This is the only "piss of the neighbor" vulnerable spot, but I don't think I need to much reduction either.
  4. I looked into these a few years ago: http://www.acoustic-curtains.com/about.php I can't comment unfortunately, because I decided to put up a wall instead. Let me know if you find anything that works well. hmm, they don't look half bad, bit $$ but nice. thanks
  5. Industrial Sound Curtains I guess I'm hoping for somethig a bit more asthetically pleasing, kinda like what you see in movie theatres and such. thanks for the response though.
  6. Anyone know of a good product? I have french doors I'm trying to treat, any suggestions?
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