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Everything posted by jamminfool

  1. Well, I'm not gonna say they're the greatest amps I've ever played , cuz they're not. They do have a somewhat cheapo feel to them, and the half stack I tried at GC was wasted (the crunch channel made this god awful noise when I switched to it). But, the day I bought my cream white Artcore hollowbody, I tried it through a Raven RG60, went from clean to megacrunch:evil:, messed with the built in reverb, and wound up buying the amp too. It gets dirty too fast on the clean channel for my liking, but I can still keep it clean to a respectable volume for small club use, and the dirty channel goes anywhere from mild grit to a full on shredmeister assault, and all points in between. Bottom line, if you take the time to dail in your tone, you can probably get it from this stout little amp, for less than 20% of the price of a similar size tube amp. And as a clincher, it's light, so I don't have to kill my already wasted back lugging it around! Not too shabby for a $180 crapola amp....
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