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Posts posted by Surrealistic

  1. Try going into a biker hangout and tell them that they're doing it all wrong and that they should spend more time riding and less time talking and drinking beer. You'll quickly get the point that the "problem" is yours.

    Personally I'd say a better analogy would be going into a biker hangout and telling them they should be driving nice family hatchbacks and dressing more conservatively. Not that I've done such a thing - well, not twice anyway.

  2. ... I come to learn..digging through tens tons of crap to find one little pearl of wisdom. Those pearls have made a difference ...

    I've learned a lot from this place. I'm one of those odd people who played guitar but didn't really know a lot about them. I knew how to play - at least to a reasonable level - but I really didn't know much about the pros and cons of various types of instruments, frets, pickups, wood varieties, electronics ... I could go on.

  3. Looks like I need to get this DVD. Jimmy Page was one of my first guitar heroes and I really like Jack White. I'm not a U2 fan but I do like some of the things the Edge does with them.


    From what I've read I guess I'll have a hard time persuading the wife to watch it with me - she is a music fan but she's definitely not into guitars per se.

  4. if your guitar playing experience was anything like mine, it went something like this:

    bug your parents to buy you a guitar. they get you some cheap POS and say "i'll get you a proper one when you can play something".

    i started playing on a 70s strat copy with a 3 barrel bridge in the summer of '91. after 2 years, i got my '93 MIJ Ibanez RG. its been heavily modified and beat the crap out of during the past 16 years, but sounds and plays great.

    My story follows the same lines and ends up with a very similar guitar too :lol:

    It does depend on how you define "good". After my first (bought by parents from Woolworth) unplayable monstrosity I bought a half-decent old Yamaha (1967 SG) which served me well for years, but my first really top-notch guitar was and is my Ibanez RG2550. I'd gone into the shop with a view to buying a Gibson Les Paul or possibly a PRS but I came out with the Ibanez. I wouldn't have bought a black one given the choice - but it was clearance stock and cost me around half the MSRP. It was quite simply the nicest guitar in the shop in terms of both sound and playability.

  5. If you have the right frame of mind, 40 can be the age when you're just hitting your prime. I went through similar feelings to yours when I hit 30 - but, for whatever reason, I felt younger at 40 than I did at 30. My life really kicked off in interesting and exciting directions at 40. I was fortunate in that I could pass for much younger but hey, who says you have to look young?

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