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Posts posted by Austincowbell

  1. we played a wedding saturday. A guest walks up after the set and she says "you guys were great". I thank her. She says "what are you going to do now"? I said, I'm not really feeling like going out. I'll probably go home and play acoustic guitar in my living room". She says "that sounds fun". My fill in bassist looks at me like WTF?!?! I was happy. And no, I didn't play acoustic when she got to my house.

  2. I'm looking at some options concerning my groupie story currently. If you can spare a moment, please click the link below and take the poll. Thanks!

    Groupie Story Poll

    Terry D.

    So.... You posted your stories.... Then posted links to your stories... Now ou have a poll about the link to your stories? Just how many random people from the Internet need to read your stories before you feel cool? The only one I read was the one about the Driskill Hotel because I live in Austin and it sound a lit more like an older guy pretty woman-ing an 18-year-old methhead than it did a groupie story.

  3. Didn't know this thread existed but.....


    One time my bass player and I took these two girls back to his place from a show. I thought he knew them, he thought I knew them. The next morning both of us asked "so, how long have y'all known _______"and thats when we found out that they were just randoms from the show. Yay.


    Another is this show:


    Someone wanted us to play "It aint no fun (if my homies can't have none)by snoop dogg. We didn't know the song but we didn't let that stop us. Anyway, if you'll notice there is some fairly cute girl in a blue dress dancing at me (I'm the singer) and a .... um.... larger one... on the stage who takes out our drum kit at 2:58 of the video. Anyway, they ended up going home with myself and another nameless member of my band (who took the...um....bigger... one). Well, in the morning I see that my dog has gone through the purse of the smaller one (mine) and I notice one of the things he has removed would be her lone star card. For those of you who don't know what that would be, it is TX's version of food stamps. Well, one person told another person and TO THIS DAY I can't go into that bar without one bartender saying "cash or credit only here, sir. We don't take food stamps".

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