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    Edwardsville, IL

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  1. OK - I work with a weekend wedding/party band. I play keys and keybass - it's mostly oldies/party music. Guitar, drummer, 2-4 horns, male and female singers - pretty typical stuff. Our system isn't all that typical, though. Board - Yamaha EMX5000-20 - we only use the internal power amps when we need an additional monitor for extra horn players. mains - Mackie SRM450 v1 and SRM1500 subs - 2 of each. Monitors - We use an Aviom system. Singers are are on Shure wireless in-ears - everybody else is stationary, so we just plug into the Aviom box. This system has really changed everything for us. I no longer use any stage amps for keys or bass. The guitar player uses a little VOX amp and he's no louder than an acoustic horn player. Mics - Shure Beta87 wireless for the vocalists - a mix of Shure and EV for everybody else - all pretty standard stuff. System is owned by the band leader. I also have my own system and will use it to supplement the stuff described above for big gigs or for my own occasional gigs. Board - Yamaha EMX5000-12 Manis - QSC K12 tops (2) and KSubs (2) Monitors - EV Force 12" (2) and CerwinVega 12" (2) these are powered by the internal amps in the Yamaha board. Mics - Shure - AKG - ATM - Blue KickBall - pretty standard stuff. any constructive comments are welcome.
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