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  1. One of my best friends at school was the "result" of a rape. Are you suggesting that she didn't deserve to live? That she should never have been born? She loved life and the world would've been poorer without her. i don't think she would want her business put out there like this.
  2. I think we both will agree that the state does make a decision on what you can or cannot do regarding certain subjects, like theft and murder. I classify abortion as murder, and that is the pro-life position. again....who are you to classify anything and why should I have to live by it.
  3. The bad part is... the baby doesn't have a choice. the other good part of it is....you don't make that decision for me or anyone else
  4. Obama has said on record that on the first day in office he wants to sign up the Freedom of Choice act which effectively takes away what little the states have to say about abortion, the cool thing about that is...you have the choice to not have an abortion
  5. wait you dont seriously think that people are "pushing" abortion on you, do you? he doesn't really think that....thats just the only argument they have against pro-choice people. being pro-choice doesn't me you'll actually get pregnant with the intent to have an abortion......it just means that if a woman gets pregnant, she has the choice to do whats right for her. ChristianRock, this question is for you. you talk about moral, but was it moral for Sarah Palins daughter to get pregnant out of wedlock let alone be having sex out of it. you evangelist are the first to call everyone other than you Godless, but when one of your own does something not to the standards you wanna hold us to you are quick to defend them.
  6. I learn stupid at your little red hoofs, nOOb. I don't think you had to learn stupid...it came natural to you. and I'm no noob, i just don't post here a lot although i read a lot here.
  7. So secular geniuses are forcing abortion on me by THEIR vote. I sees. no...we force you to have a choice if you want to have one or not. if you wanna get stupid about it
  8. ...which is? that because I don't believe what you believe you feel that i will burn in a hell. Listen i believe in God just as you do...the difference is I don't think that i should force my beliefs on everyone.
  9. LOL. This makes me seriously I am an evangelical christian. I would have voted for Bush if I could. I would vote for McCain if I could. What are all the curse words people can throw at me for that? I'd do it for my conscience, too. I believe all who voted for pro-abortionist candidates will have to answer to murder one day before the throne of God. In other words, if democrats would not go for policies that go completely against christian moral and belief, maybe they could blame evangelicals for not voting for them. It's like the Bacon Party asking for the vegan vote, if I can use that as a comparison, and then getting mad when they don't get their vote. and you proved my point for me
  10. It's always about "Jesus hatemongers", "pseudo-christian idiots" and all that stuff. Every leftist I know blames evangelical christians for 8 years of Bush administration, and thinks that literal bible belief is what makes Palin an abomination (I also believe the bible literally, am pro-life, etc). But go on, I guess my attempt to derail the thread has failed well come on lets be honest here....evangelical christians in large parts voted for Bush, not saying they were the only ones who voted for him. but what gets me you say we shouldn't blame evangelical christians for him....but it's your beliefs that made you vote for him and the same for Palin and McCain. why do you think McCain picked her...for your vote. if McCain stood for everything that Obama stood for, except was pro life who would you vote for? and the problem I have with evangelical christians is that they feel that everyone who doesn't think the way they do are damned to hell.
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