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Article Comments posted by Anderton

  1. I'm not Phil, but that's a good question. For guitar, I think close miking with room mics is a good combination. Bass is a little trickier because the low frequencies will often interact with a room to a much great extent, unless the room is treated acoustically. So, you can end up with dips and peaks that are a hassle to deal with when mixing. Getting a room mic into the picture isn't a bad idea, though, providing you can "tame" it and keep more of the amp sound in the overall mix.

  2. Doesn't sound stupid at all, I use the "reduce peaks" technique all the time...I call it "micro-mastering." One of the great features in Wavelab is that it will find those "rogue peaks" for you. I often reduce the gain on an individual half-cycle in 10-20 spots, and find I can raise the level 3-4dB without any apparent effects of dynamics changes, or artifacts from compression. Thanks very much for adding info about that technique!

  3. Well, the good news is that the link for HC Confidential 148 is now fixed on both the home page and the listing of articles. The bad news is that, unfortunately, what you're experiencing is not a rare occurrence. The editors who put these articles together often open the article to do some editing and find some, uh, "surprises" - of which images not loading (but then loading the next time it's opened) is one of them. Sometimes font colors are dropped, sometimes articles disappear completely, and sometimes audio examples can't be loaded in the article - for the Ravish Sitar review, the audio example had to be loaded as a separate file, and couldn't even be linked to from the article for some reason.


    The bottom line is as editors, we are aware of and frustrated by these problems, and are actively seeking a solution. Hopefully the code fixes to be implemented the first week of January will help considerably.

  4. The more harmonically-rich and complex the carrier, the more you'll hear the effects of the vocoder. For example, modulating something like a distorted power chord with drums will give really obvious results. A violin is a pretty rich sound, so it should be effective as a carrier if vocoded with something that has variations of energy all over the frequency spectrum. That's why drums make good modulators...flutes, not so much, although you could at least get amplitude-based gating effects.

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