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Posts posted by pbone

  1. It's also doing {censored} all for male self image issues as well.


    Ugh jesus the male self image is not in crisis. Men are held to absolutely no standard of beauty. If anything, we are the beneficiaries of a completely ramified aesthetic schema: literally anything that you can possibly do, there's a social norm for that. Believe it or not there is still cultural sexiness in Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe just as there is cultural sexiness in Mad Men just as there is cultural sexiness in David Byrne.


    Unless, of course, you are a hardcore gamer, in which case you get a tv channel cruelly populated by the same types of women that say that they're into "nerdy guys" only to fall in line with the rest of the {censored} eaters


    I mean, {censored}, some woman, somewhere, without a doubt, is masturbating to Taco from The League. Wanting his balls to slap her tits or something. I don't know. but it's happening and you can't unsee that.


    Quote Originally Posted by thezeng

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    Hahaha that's pretty funny considering it's Dom, who never actually talks that much. I don't reckon he was meaning to be an ass though, but HCFX would have jizzed to find out icon_lol.gif

    oh and new diamond vibrato or whichever one it is



    That's the show I was at!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Pain-MD

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    No way that the bassist is a girl. He was wearing a wifebeater/shirt thing and had his nipples hanging out the entire show. I don't know how it is in Australia, but nobody usually does that here. icon_lol.gif

    The Massive Attack cover was Angel and it was indeed awesome. I think that my fave song in the whole set was Remember Me, I only figured out what it was after the show because I haven't heard it prior.


    Oops, sorry, I meant guy. My girlfriend was incredibly insistent on him being a girl, though.


    Quote Originally Posted by jp46putty

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    Haha no "Nick Allbrook" is not a girl. Yeah, that's one of their best live moments i reckon, the breakdown sort of bit at the end of Remember Me with just his looped vocals and the synth.

    I've been wondering what happens at the end of their gigs overseas? 'Cos here in Perth they just hang out around the place prior to the show and afterwards, and nobody really pays that much attention to them.



    They just went into their tour bus afterwards. I gave the guitar player (not singer) a hug and asked him what the whole synth sound was made out of, and he said that it was "Pentagon {censored}."

  4. The bassist is a girl.

    Saw them last night. Holy {censored}. Very drunk but did not stop the rock. The guitar player used a projection of an oscilloscope behind them. Incredibly tight show, and they played a great Massive Attack cover too. Forgot what it was called, though.


  5. take photos with digital camera, save photos on your computer. Go to photbucket.com and create an account - its free, and you can upload your photos into that. Once uploaded in there, each photo will have its own web address that you can post here.

    Imageshack.us or tinypic.com doesn't require an account, that's what you should use.

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