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Posts posted by Crxsh

  1. Sell it then use the money left over to buy mine!


    Thought had crossed my mind. But yours is a little pricey I think. You can get them new on eBay for like, $15 more than what you're asking. Used they're around $170... but then again, a couple have sold new for that price.

  2. WTB: Strat Parts


    Specifically, I'm looking for some trem springs, a Fender neck plate and a "64" length trem arm.


    Also interested in a Callaham Mexican Standard Premium Upgrade Kit and a couple of Torres kits -- the Super Midrange & Tone kit and a Guitar Blender pot.


    I figure someone's got to have at least some of these laying around unused.


    PM's are appreciated.

  3. quick note on the bludrive

    you have been trying to get rid of it for quite a while now (since you got your BOR), but your price was high, even for a custom mod. you finally stick on ebay, and now the starting bid price is like $30 less than what you wanted to get for it on the spam thread... if you gone as low as $80 shipped on HC, i might have got it..... too late now though, my expenses are spoken for this month Im not trying to be rude, but if you are wanting to sell, you have to price accordingly Ill snag that BOR from ya in about 6 months as that seems to be the longest you keep a pedal


    My price may have been high ... but I think it was justified ... sorta.


    I mean really, what I had was a $50 pedal that had $75 worth of mods in it. I tried selling it for $125 for awhile ... just to get most my money back out of it ... but then dropped to $105 because I figured no one (here) would pay $125 for any Boss pedal ... no matter what mod it was. So I decided to eBay it.


    Now, I'm not trying to get $75 out of it mind you ... that's a starting price, not a BIN price. I'd like to get at least $100 out of it ... but you've got to start somewhere.


    Thanks for the tip BTW... but I have done a deal or two on here. :poke::lol::cop::D


    We'll see on the BoR ... I gassed for close to 6 months for one before I bought it ... I think it might just stick.

  4. Hey guys... honest and for real -- I went to the dentist earlier today and I've got to have quite a bit of work done ... and it's relatively expensive.


    I'm not sure how much I'm going to have to sell off ... but to start with ... if anyone's interested in the stuff I've already got listed, it'd be super sweet if I could sell that off ASAP. I'm thinking I might have to sell off a guitar later too, but we'll see if it comes to that. I've got a local guy lined up to come look at this 4x12 I've got ... so if he buys that I might not have to sell an axe.


    I'm going to go get a second opinion on all this sometime next week, but either way ... this is going to cost me quite a bit.


    Enough rambling ...


    Make me a (serious) offer on any of this.




    Boss DD-3

    Custom-Modded JHSmods BluDRIVE

    A few patch cables

    DOD 270 A/B Switch

    4 Nickel Knobs (bought from Hangwire)

    EBow (was dropped and case broke partially. Glued & Taped but works perfect.)

    Behringer XM8500 Vocal Mic w/ case

    Fender Retube kit for Fender Blues Jr. (used)

    8 - 9v batteries (new or hardly used)

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