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Everything posted by RobertCorrell

  1. I dealt/am dealing with the exact same problem. I upgraded my pickups to Gibson Classic 57s, ditched the plug-ins, and got a Fender Blues Junior. I don't have the luxury of micing it up here so I have to go direct. I use a power load/attenuator so I don't blow the amp, take the speaker out on the amp through a DI into the computer (through a Delta-66). Someday I will be in a place I can mic up the cab and go crazy, but not here and now. Here's my latest project, called Out Of The Blue. Recorded and mixed in Pro Tools. For tonal versatility I have an overdrive, fuzz, and eq pedal, but mostly I'm trying to get the tone out of the amp and pickups. For me, it sure beats the heck out of a computer simulation.
  2. Come listen to a little ditty I tracked for inspiration a few days ago. Just messing around with power chords and some rhythms. It's on my Web page down after the first article or so. 1 take. No editing. Not trying to "overengineer" it. Just messing around. Yes, the weird resonance sweeping around is there on purpose. Experimenting. It's called "Through the Noise" at the moment. Lots of noise You can hear the swell of the noise come and go as I play and not play. Believe it or not... this is not miced up. It's DI. afterthought: I'm considering a BBE Maxcom... compressor/gate/expander/enhancer... anyone got any opinions on it? $199.99.
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