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Posts posted by Mr_GoodBomb

  1. I have two MIM Fender Strats, stock and in fantastic condition respectively.


    - White strat, 2004-2005, mint pickguard and lots of extras I'll throw in. The only flaw is a finish crack at the corner of the neck pocket (it looks to be only finish deep).












    - Red 1996-1997 strat, stock, no issues.










    - Fender Tex Mex set, with extra mint pickup cover set. Used, but in perfect condition. $55.




    - Airline/Harmony Stratotone H45, $450


    Made for Aldens department store. Everything works, all original, in fantastic condition, and it plays perfectly.


    Click for full size.





    PM me.

  2. and gracious people you could ever hope to meet. They also respect women, at least to the point where they don't talk about their pussies to the press.

    To me, John Mayer is Fred Durst with marginally more talent. I'll bet the same people defending Mayer's comments thought Durst was cool at one time too. Mayer's headed in the same direction, and he knows it, thus the tearful apology.

    For those of you who defend him, just answer me this question: What would you think if he {censored}ed your daughter and then told millions of people around the world the details about how great her {censored} was and how much he'd pay for it. And be honest.


    I like you. I was honestly surprised by how many people supported that self-absorbed dip{censored} silliness, too. While I understand that Playboy is expected to ask stupid, overly-sexual questions and get answers of similar fashion, I think diving directly into tastelessness is just sad.


    Being a celebrity and being a tool only go hand-in-hand because we, as a culture, allow it, and at some point, started eating it up. I mean, people watch Jersey Shore. We justify it, so celebrities, no matter their level of such, further it.


    I also think your question with Simpson was headed in the right direction, she just happens to have some unreasonable roots. That doesn't make her ripe for public degradation by another, once intimate and friendly, "celebrity."


    I think someone who seems to be that "cool" would be a {censored} of a lot "cooler" if he seemed like he had any respect for other people and didn't fancy himself some kind of pop culture demigod. I'm not sure what's cool about that.


    Also, while this has little to do with his statement, I know NO ONE here would be supporting his statements or saying he seemed personable or cool if they didn't like his playing. And, personally, his music does jack {censored} for me. He seems like an overly cocky bastard who writes sappy, dimwit pop songs and has excellent playing ability but never seems to work it into a real SONG. Having the ability to play at some kind of iconic level but never using it in any tasteful way in a song tells me there's a serious lack in the ability to write songs. And, again, personally, I'd prefer good songwriting from a good songwriter to good player from a good player without any point of reference.

  3. I had posted it, at one point. As others have said, it works like Cash For Gold.


    You mail them a guitar, at your expense, they send you a low-end appraisal, and if you decide not to take it, you have to respond quickly AND pay for return shipping. Best case scenario, you either accept a very low offer for the instrument or have fronted and wasted two shipping costs, worst case scenario you're extremely unhappy with the value and didn't respond in time and they kept it and paid you for it, or your guitar "mysteriously" never makes it's way home when you deny their offer.

  4. I've got a lot more than this, not sure where they went, but... Here's the current crop.



    adamvanity bought my Firebird.


    awfulguitarnois bought a bridge.


    bugly bought my Epi Dot, shipped to Aussietown. Good sale.


    chuck1016 sold me a Dano pedal.


    diceman1000 traded his tele for a First Act he was wanting.


    flummox bought some strat trem parts.


    frankiej sold me a copy of Dead Rising for Xbox 360.


    griole bought a lot of parts.


    guitarman411 bought my LTD EC body.


    guitarzan1143 traded some stuff.


    Killing Nevada traded some Dimarzios.


    maxisnotdead bought some pickups.


    Mike Fiasco sold me some tuners.


    petersenb9 bought my LTD EC-500.


    Rocktoe bought some EMGs, I believe.


    rwingsfan traded some tele parts.


    rydia is hot sold me my Rickenbacker 650 a long time ago, and is also awesome.


    senor-penguin bought my hondo bass. Good sale.


    Sheraton bought my tele.


    teleblaster just sold me a tele body from SX.


    tobildteleez bought... something. I forget what. Some tele parts, I think.


    Vantango84 sold me or bought god knows what, but it went well.


    vidiot72 traded my friend's Italia Mondial for an Epi Valve Jr.


    Zemmy bought an SD Lil 59.



    All were good sales, no problems. I let all of these members know that their names were added to the list.


    Stay away from Deicide1. He was banned. Be wary of the name.

  5. I'm quite through with this discussion. I've made the same point over and over and it's going to remain the same. I've just ended up saying the same thing to people who clearly aren't interested in hearing any point but their own.


    The seller was entirely stupid for giving away something he was hoping was valuable to the first person he asked an appraisal from, someone who makes a living from shorting people on their property. To me, with all of the options to find the value of an item, even without the internet, I feel there's no excuse to be so gullible, and simply "throwing them away" seems like an act of petty aggression that clearly on hurt himself.


    The seller was an unreasonable douchebag, and there's no way around that. I'm hardly defending him, or condoning what he did. But a new chump is born every day, and if you aren't careful, scum like this will take you for everything you've got.

  6. Oooo nasty names, I am cut so deep:blah:


    Honestly, I don't care what you have to say. You started towards me, and you've put yourself out there as offensive and not worth the time to discuss with. Have a good one.

  7. I don't need to put words in your mouth. You have got more
    then Carter has got little liver pills. By saying that it was the old mans fault, you condoned this type of {censored}. Of course you can now change your augment, now that you got PWND on the last 5 pages. But this was your original post.

    No one is going to argue with you that there are scumbags out there that are going to take advantage of people, we all know that, ..of course, -but that was not your point. It was your blaming the old man, saying that it was no ones fault but his, that put you in everyones sights.

    Best to just quit digging your hole.


    Oh, find a stick and {censored} yourself, buddy.


    I DO feel that doing idiotic things is your own doing. No ifs, ands, or buts about that. You act as stupidly as this man did, trusting the first person who gives you an opinion and then GIVING your property to them based on that, you deserve not to have it if that's how you choose to handle it.


    But I'm not CONDONING the actions of the sleazy little sales clerk in the slightest. That's ridiculous. I'm not telling anything that it's right, or that they SHOULD take advantage of people. What I am saying, over and over and {censored}ing over again, because you're far to dense to get it the first, third, or tenth time, is that there ARE people in this world who's existences revolve around {censored}ing other people over to get by. If you're not willing to accept that and spot {censored} when it's coming your way, you're going to get hit by it.


    Do I condone it? No, not in the slightest. Is it the goddamn truth? I'll answer you when I'm done emptying the winning foreign lottery emails from my inbox.


    If you can't see that someone acting so thoughtlessly about their valuable property is their own fault, then I hope the next time you post a NGD and someone says "that's junk, send it to me and I'll throw it away for you :)," you do.

  8. I have read all your flip / floping drivel in this thread.

    I am glad I dont know you. God forbid I ever have to spend time stuck in a lift with you.

    Thank you for being such a judgmental child. It's easier to know how to take seriously around here when people are so direct.

  9. and by "common sense" I have to assume that you mean, crass, backwards and full of BS. :poke:

    You sure are a presumptuous little {censored}, aren't you?

    If you're stupid, people are going to take advantage of you. The world of full-service gas stations that start pumping before you've paid and tabs at your local convenience store are over. I wish that weren't the case, but there are too many slimey people, like the OP, willing to con a man out of his dollar or his property, and if you're not careful, that very thing will happen. For someone who acted so clearly dimwitted as this guy, I have trouble feeling bad for them. End of {censored}ing story.

  10. How do you know know all of this? These guitars could have belonged to hypothetical his dead brother for all you know. The whole premise of your argument is that is it OK to rip someone off if they are and idiot. I can appreciate that there are people who agree with you on this point, but it gladdens me to know that that most of those people live in place called prison.

    Dear {censored}ing Jesus. I never said it was OK. I just said it's going to happen. Please stop putting words in my mouth for the sake of your arguement. Thanks.

  11. Well I thought you did since you have 21 posts in this thread.

    Sorry, you left yourself open for that one.

    It's 3am. There's a difference between "moral outrage over something that doesn't involve me" and "absolute {censored}in boredom."

  12. It was at a Long & McQuade in Ontario, Canada.

    Oh, Mr. Goodbomb, I was not posting towards you in particular. No need to get snippy.

    I know, and nor was I. It's just generally my thought on threads like this, dredging up past BS that is entirely unrelated to anyone here on the forum but involves pages and pages of {censored}. Who {censored}ing cares?

  13. Wow.

    I was there for the original thread. Yes, the guys at the store knew the guitars were worth something and they knowingly lied to the guy about it.

    Even if you don't think they ripped off the customer they absolutely ripped off their employer. The guy gave the guitars to the store. They were the stores property. The dumbasses who kept the guitars had no right to them.

    They should be fired and criminally charged.

    If a guy trades in a car at a car lot, does the salesmen get to keep the car? Hell no.


    I have not, at any point, claimed that the man wasn't lied to, wasn't deceived, or wasn't conned. "Ripped off" is a bit of a strange term, because he gave the damn things away, which to me, no matter what it is, is incredibly stupid based on ONE person's appraisal.


    Yes, the employee has no right to them. Yes, he should be fired. No, I don't {censored}ing care. No, it's none of my business. No, I wouldn't start a thread about it after one has already been modified, then deleted, just to continue bitching about how he should be fired. Who {censored}ing cares?

  14. I actually own and drive 2 vintage MG's - they are in showroom condition - are they worth much? NO! Nowhere near the price of a new similar spec vehicle....


    Were MGs EVER worth much? Are they still made? They're the Univox of the car world. Cool {censored}, kinda clunky, but can be had for fairly cheap.

  15. most vintage cars arent worth more than new ones, nor most "vintage" houses (certainly not up here in canada).

    remember, people fall for nigerian internet scams all the time, and 51% of your country was dumb enough to vote for dubya... twice.

    it would be nice if everyone could spot the liars, but they obviously cant, or we wouldnt be talking about this.


    A vintage, well-kept, and fully functional car is a collector's item, the same as guitar. The major difference, as I've already stated (as with most of the information I've sent your way, I've repeated over and over for you), is that cars degrade and will eventually need replaced unless EXTREMELY well kept for collector's value. A home is very similar, and yes, I'm in a historic area, and houses from the 1700s and 1800s go for FAR more because of their history and age if they're well-kept. The big difference, AS ALREADY MENTIONED, is that a guitar DOESN'T degrade in such a fashion, and anyone who's played a guitar for years, as this man must have, and noticed that the parts don't need replaced like those on a car or an older home should know this.


    So, what you're telling me is, stupid people exist? And it's ok? I'm sorry, but I feel no sympathy for someone who missed out on cash because of their own stupid actions. Do I think it's right? No. Do I think it's stupid? Yes. Could have been avoided were it not stupid? Yes.

  16. its not common sense to think a used beat up pos is worth more than new. sorry.

    none of the people i know who know nothing of guitars would think it was valuable if the l&m guy told em it wasnt.

    their reputation for trustwothy used/vintage guitar dealing just went to 0 because of some dumb{censored} employee.


    Anyone I know could tell you that a vintage car is worth more than a new one, a fully-functional colonial estate is worth more than a new home, and a vintage guitar is probably worth more than a new one. I dunno what company you keep.


    Add to that, there are all kinds of television shows that tell you about the value of vintage items. They're mentioned here constantly. It's not exactly a secret anymore.


    So, you're telling me that any person you know would dive right into anything that someone who makes money from reselling used products says about an item's value? You're REALLY telling me some funny things about the people you like to keep the company of.


    Their reputation didn't go anywhere except for with this forum, because that dimwitted seller still thinks the guitars he handed over for free are worth absolutely nothing.

  17. Well I guess you are lucky your Folks are well informed - many are not. Let's just agree to disagree, I sincerely hope that I am never the 'cause' of anyone being scammed and I will do all I can to prevent it...


    They aren't, that's the point. They're just not mindless. It's common sense stuff.

  18. even my parents, who know absolutely nothing about guitars, know that a vintage guitar is often worth more than it's new counterpart, and can tell you from watching TV that musicians are often seen playing old instruments, so clearly they do not become outdated.



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