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Posts posted by Mesa/Kramer

  1. The only other comment i would make having owned a number of small headphone type amps, is that a 100% dry sound (no reverb/chorus etc) makes for a super bland uninspiring practice with headphones (as are the amplugs).

    I think you will get a lot more enjoyment using something that at least has some basic ambient effects and a little stereo chorus for a headphone setup.

  2. The only other comment i would make having owned a number of small headphone type amps, is that a 100% dry sound (no reverb/chorus etc) makes for a super bland uninspiring practice with headphones (as are the amplugs).

    I think you will get a lot more enjoyment using something that at least has some basic ambient effects and a little stereo chorus for a headphone setup.

  3. i owned a 5150 cab :poke:

    i am fairly familiar with most celestion speakers on the market nowadays and have tried a decent amount of them compared to peavey cabs i have played like the windsor, xxx, jsx, and 5150/6505.


    Wasn't so much talking about you guys, just the whole Forums concensus being based on the few who have actually used them.

  4. I'm going to guess that 75% of the people on this forum who jump on the Bash Peavey speaker band wagon, never have even played through a Peavey speaker loaded cab.


    Not saying thier speakers are any good, just that most products considered good or bad by a few on this forum are simply being echo'd by the rest based only on reading the others comments.

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