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Everything posted by aporcelainsky

  1. on the road, therefore price has firmed back up. holiday inn express bump!
  2. heading out west tomorrow which means I'm interested in last minute deals. shoot me a pm tonight if you want to make something happen!
  3. up up up! possibly the last bump before I move so I may (or may not) take some outrageous offers in the next 24 hrs - after that I'll firm back up.
  4. Interested in my Ibanez? http://acapella.harmony-central.com/showthread.php?t=2390647
  5. I appreciate that Let me know if you think there's something we could work out!
  6. Warmoth looks nice,, shame about the trem and locking tuner.. Your asking price in that condition is about what mine would be if I were selling outright.. They're super easy fixes Let me know if there's something we could work out.
  7. Interested in working something out for something in my spam thread?
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