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Posts posted by Consume

  1. Awesome. I have no idea why I didn't think about this! For some reason, I keep seeing it in the speaker cabinet.

    The issue is - they have crossovers in them, but I don't know if they are stock crossovers - because the switch on the back for bi-amping is gone. I am the third owner, and the second owner  was a local music school called "Rock School" that teaches kids to play in a rock band.
    If it doesn't have the original crossovers in them, then I am going to build a set of them, and leave the switchable biamp option out.
    I like the cabinets, they do what I need them to do. I was not going to run the subs inline with them. The only thing that I intended to hit the subs, was the kick drum, to maximize their impact.

    Are those DTH subs? How do you like those? I always wondered how the "push-pull" speaker layout worked.


  2. I'm going to be buying speaker cables soon.

    I'm considering rewiring a pair of Carvin #1588 cabinets that I have with an 8-pin Neutrik socket. so, the 2x15" speakers would be on one channel, the 2x8"+1.4" Horn will be on the next channel, and the 3rd and 4th channels will be passed through to a pair of NL4 jacks, one to be used as a pass through to the 18" Subs, and the other as a pass through for the Monitors on each side of the stage.

    I'm going to be buying all of my cables from Audiopile.
    I LOVE Audiopile. I decided that since I was literally building this system from the ground up, I took all my old mic cables and patch cables, and called some of my musician friends and gave almost all of them away. They though I was nuts, but the weakest link in my pa was mixed cables - so I kept anything that was EWI/Audiopile as backup cables, and I am now left with removing ratfur from the Carvin cabinets, applying Duratech paint, and installing new input panels on the back on the cabinets as I rewire the entire rig .

    I've been buying my cables according to uses.  Every so often I would I buy, as an example all my TRS-TRS patch cables and channel insert cables... I have a custom rack mounted y-split/patch-bay, and next up is speaker cables and panel jacks to install in the speaker cabinets and build a patch panel for the amp rack.




  3. I had this monstrosity.  I recorded at least half the Metal and Punk Demo's recorded in Jacksonville, FL between 1988 and 1992 on this thing. live to a Yamaha MT44 4-track, then live to a Fostex A-4 8-track reel to reel (had 4 input channels, that switched from tracks 1-4 to 5-8. That was how Fostex saved money on it.)

    I installed in/out insert jacks in it.(talk about a PITA. I had this board disassembled for about 6 months and came home from my day job and worked on it all winter.)

    I used to drag this crap out to people's band rooms and record their demo's in their practice rooms. I also had a rack with cheapo outboard gear.  What is funny, is one of my friends had gone into a bunch of real studios to record his band and when I recorded his band, he went -"This is the sound I wanted and never could get." Which I thought was hilarious, but it was just a crappy punk rock sound, but the funny thing is that his band had 1,000 cassettes made, and they sold them for $5 each and actually sold them all in a few weeks,  and I became somewhat of a punk rock legend locally. Tons of kids came to me wanting demo's,  so I tripled my price and they didn't bat an eye. 




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  4. I have totally moved over to triggering the kick. You can get a ddrum4 unit that lets you create whatever kind of kick sound you want, and deliver the same kick sound mp mater what  the drummer has. I purchased 3 of them @ $400 each used. so I have backups. Better than any kick mic out there to me.



  5. I have horrible issues with excess mucus/phlegm if I eat most dairy products, so I have basically eliminated them - which sucks for a guy who practically lived on pizza! Some wheat products bother me as well, so I tend to stay away from them, or if I do, I make sure that I take some benedryl/anti-histamine prior to eating them.

    I used to have acid reflux; once I changed my diet, that helped a lot. I love coffee, but it would kill me, so I had to cut down to 2 cups a day, and I generally stay away from most spicy foods. I was basically drinking so much coffee that I was causing the acid reflux. I would sit there and clear ... almost like bile would just come up, so I started looking at what I was eating and drinking and cut out everything and started eating bland foods and only drinking water.... once I added back the coffee full force, I found the culprit.... so I kept cutting back on the coffee to find out how much I could drink if any, and it turned out to be 2 to 3 cups a day was my limit.


    I don't normally eat sweets, and these days if I do want something sweet, I keep a big bag of washed grapes in the freezer. My girlfriend got me to try them, and I found that I love frozen grapes. They seem to be so much sweeter when they are frozen.


    I don't have TMJ but I did have a slight case of sleep apnea, and my doctor told me about this exercise to try since I was just on the verge of it. You shove your lower jaw out like you have an underbite, and then pull it back in like you have an overbite. You just keep doing that and it seemed to help open my throat a bit, and it seems like I can open my mouth more, so it my work for you.

  6. The wood was dark mahogany on the earlier ones and on the very last units they were oak.

    They were a real transformer coupled input console, very high quality and compact at the time, for it's position in the marketplace anyway. Not very expensive either given the era... about $100/channel street price.



    I had one of those for quite a few years, and it was a big step up from any of the Peavey mixers that I had. I traded a CS800 for it. The transformer "was broken" - all that it needed was a wire to be resoldered, and the thing worked like a champ for years.

  7. I too had a set of SP1's with the added 12' horn driver cabinet back in the 80's. it was more than fantastic and even better when all the speakers were replaced with Electro Voice EVM's. tri-amped xover mono with 1 CS800 low end and 2 cs400's mid and high. had the Mark 4 board as well. the prior comment about it being no good in small clubs is not correct, we used them everywhere " bi-amp them straight up stock and you will be amazed too, the x-over on a full range system screws up the sound pretty bad.



    Then your idea of what quality sound in a smaller club should be, is quite different from mine. Horn loaded boxes are rotten in places where the back wall is less than 50' away from the stage. The bass always sounded muddy, it didn't go very low - the 15" Horn loaded segment of the SP1/FH1 was HORRIBLE (so in effect, what you had was a modified version of the Project II - which we had as well at one point) and it was definitely was NOT a "Sub". Sure it would pound, but it just wasn't a pleasant sound.

    Now, maybe because you replaced the speakers with EV's you had better luck with it, but I was using the stock Black Widow's that came in them, and it simply was not a pleasing sound at all to me. In fact, that rig completely turned me against horn loaded cabinets - I thought it was so bad that I would never even consider horn-loaded cabinets again.


    Give me a front-loaded rig every time!

  8. Hey guys,

    I have a band, and we are currently looking for a good PA setup to start doing some shows. I want one we'll be able to keep for a while, so it needs to be powerful enough to be able to run larger shows with ease.

    I have an opportunity to buy a used Peavey Mark IV 16 channel mixer with a couple Peavey SP1 speakers.

    Are the speakers powerful enough to run some larger shows? Does the mixer have enough power? (I'm assuming it's a powered mixer because there is no power amp included) Also, would I be able to run monitors straight from the mixer? Or would I need some sort of amp setup to do that?

    Thank you much for all of your help. I'm new at this band thing, but I've always wanted to do it and any help would be greatly appreciated.



    As somebody who owned both of those during the 80s, I will tell you - don't do it. The SP1 is a huge, horn-loaded monstrosity that is virtually useless in clubs - it's good for outdoor things and it has a fairly long throw.

    We had 4 SP1's and I hate the things. it was bad enough to have 1 pair of them, then our band acquired a second set.:rolleyes:


    The Mk IV is not a powered mixer - they just aren't selling you amplification.

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