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Posts posted by Metrosonus

  1. So I guess it's not enough that Obama won by a landslide. It had to happen that the people who won now want to characterize everybody who didn't vote for him as a bunch of racists.

    Some people will never be happy, I guess.


    were not saying that, although the loudest ones are proving themselves to be bigoted, angry, hate and fear mongers, or sore losers if you will. Most of mccains rallies have been embarrassing for Americans in general with the large amounts of negative audience participation. and again, most of the states mccain carried could be classified traditionally as the heartland of america, which comes with it the quiet stigma of racism. there's plenty of people that don't fall into those groups that did vote for mccain, they're just unequally represented.

  2. that's what I thought too. you should have seen me mocking them at home. heh. Seriously, I should be on SNL.


    but seriously, those are also our least populous states and ironically, they were the first to give women the right to vote. BBC News has a cool map that will let you resize the US according to population and the differences about where most americans live becomes obvious.

  3. Don't you need to take your meds or something?

    btw - polarization is GOOD. We don't want to hug right wing, bigoted, assholes. We can't and shouldn't all get along. Sometimes compromise and cooperation is NOT the answer.


    Not in this case no, i'm just saddened it took so many loses to get here though. most of the people in this country are decent, hardworking, open minded people that were sadly just too busy trying to get their bills payed to notice what was going on.


    Quiet candidly, I think bush should have been hauled out like Mussolini and the fact that it didn't happen only proves that a majority of Americans could have cared less about the corrupt example of failed leadership he is and the innocent lives lost in an illegal war, which the economic collapse is a direct result of. Sure, when you can't afford that frappacuccino anymore it finally starts to affect middle America. we ultimately did this to ourselves and there's no bogeyman rhetoric that will explain it differently. hopefully, just hopefully we can get these 8 years behind us and can finally build a solid foundation for our nation and not forget or repeat the mistakes of them.


    but ah, i couldn't tell you were joking either and CR takes alot of crap for some reason .. :idk: but he's a pretty good guy otherwise.

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