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Everything posted by MichaelSaulnier

  1. Dean. Watch the youtube vid I posted. New scientific findings disputing the link betwee CO2 and global warming have been identified. Shared with peers. Contrary to "general opinion". Contrary to Democratic party "policy". It's here. It's upsetting the belief system. It's not going away. M
  2. OK... So after a little research, I see where this is heading... Check out this proposed legislation http://energycommerce.house.gov/Climate_Change/CLIM08_001_xml.pdf This is all about the creation and regulation of a "carbon market", and therefore the ability to tax and spend based on said regulation. I think it would be a cool job to be a liscened "carbon broker"... I wonder if this is the "job of the future"! M
  3. I feel like I don't personally know enough about whether global warming is man-made or not to say, "Yes, I know the answer to this!" It's a complex series of issues, and although I read a fair amount, I don't feel like I can reach a conclusion. I'm well aware of the fact that most scientists feel that global warming is partially man-made. And in general, the warming does seem to be occurring. And so my take on this is what I wrote before: may as well try and pollute less, consume less, use alternative energies more, stimulate the economy more through alternative energies, use clean fuel sources whenever possible, and try and make the planet a little better for everyone, including our children. Or we could just party like it's 1999! M
  4. But the point is 'more facts'. If he has more facts and can prove them and prove that they discredit the existing consensus, then he should present them within a scientific forum and get them accepted there. Your cynical view of scientists is very unfair. If that was the case we'd never make the kind of progress we have. Science only works because anyone can take on the big dogs if they have sufficient proof. It is true that this particular science is not far enough along to offer definitive answers. But, as I said above, that should lead one to being more careful about what we do to the planet, not less. BTW, in the youtube vid above Dr Spencer DOES indicate that he shared his findings at a recent seminar, and did not have "serious objections" from the other scientists who attended. I don't know who attended this, or what the demographic of the attendees was... but he seems to propose his findings as you put it, "present them within a scientific forum and get them accepted there." Penn and Teller had a great episode on their Showtime series Bull{censored}! about the huge profits being generated by the anti-global warming community... as soon as there's money to be made, my own BS radar goes off big time. Throughout history consensus based "scientific thought" has often been found to be wrong in later times... Remember when the best medical science included "bleeding" a patient to help them improve. How about at the time of the invention of the railroad the "proven" belief that above a certain speed, (I think 30 mph), all the air would be sucked out of the rail cars, and everyone inside would die. What about smoking? There was a time when the medical community's consensus was that it was not only OK to smoke, doctors actually were spokespeople for tobacco products. In their own time, the scientists WERE the leading thinkers of the day, and they DID believe their own ideas. Maybe global warming will turn out to be the same. M
  5. The scientific consensus these days is driven by politics as much as it is science. Everybody has an agenda. Science has had many a consensus throughout history, only to be proven wrong when new information and new research brings more facts to the table. Dr Spencer has a few thoughts on this subject in his testimony before Nancy Pelosi's congressional committee. Qzf6z-oHP8U It's interesting that he points out the political motivation of a higher level gov't official and that conclusion would therefore be supported by science. I don't know whether he's right or wrong... but he does seem to have very credible credentials. M
  6. I bet Global Warming is why the aliens didn't show up earlier this month. Why would they bother if we've messed up this great planet so badly. If I was them... I'd move on to a more enlightened planet. M
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