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Everything posted by vlad

  1. I'm not going to get involved in this {censored}storm extensively... Let me just say this... International law is something that countries are NOT obliged to subscribe to. So when someone says "It's an illegal invasion" they're talking out of their asses. Also, the invasion of Iraq was by no means illegal. He was in breach of numerous UN resolutions. Not just the ones dealing with WMD's but also numerous human rights violations. It was a legal invasion and he should have been forcefully removed from power years ago. That's all I'm going to say... Vlad out.
  2. Originally posted by Bob Savage My wallet justifies my equipment, my playing has nothing to do with it. bada bing... Thanks Bob..
  3. Originally posted by draelyc I heard that he sang opera professionally for a time, before Rock N Roll claimed him. Can anyone confirm? I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he did. There's an operatic element to Queensryche that I always loved.
  4. Originally posted by draelyc Man, the funny thing about Tate's voice is that, even when he's in the stratosphere, the tone quality is such that it "sound" like he's singing lower... I often don't realize how high he's singing till I try to sing along. Of course, other times it's more obvious... Wasn't he trained as an opera singer?
  5. Originally posted by ranalli Oh man..that was funny....almost fell out of my chair. I'm not a fan of the style of this singing in particular....I'm more of a Sebastian Bach/Joe Elliot type of guy....I like the grit in their voice even if they are not the virtuosos that these guys are. I generally like/have no issue with that style, but I don't know... His vocals on TNT songs are either too processed or layered or something. It sounds really messy.
  6. Originally posted by bstaley Tony Harnell is a badass. To each his own I guess. He has power no doubt, but it's so high that I can't figure out what he's understand what he's saying. I prefer Geoff Tate. He's loud, high but he's clear. Yeah.. to each his own.
  7. Originally posted by STEEL KAGE I dont like him for the most part. He does have moments but When I think who sing in the upper ranges) My favorites would be Tony Harnell of TNT, Roy Khan of Kamelot, and Michael Sweet( And he doesnt do it for me all the time) Another guy who I dig is this dude Ralf Sheepers(SP?) from Gamma Ray, Great friggin voice!!! Kage Man... The guy from TNT sounds like he has his nuts caught in a door or something... I can't stand his voice..
  8. Originally posted by draelyc For example: http://davglass.com/education/components/docmgr/default.php?sectiondetailid=26&fileitem=2&catfilter=1&PHPSESSID=76ea6b4dafd40bc10247f8376b7b3255 A good deal different from what DT does... The vocals kinda fit..
  9. You can do ALOT worse than LaBrie...
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