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  • Melodyne Integrated Seamlessly into Sonar X3

    By HC News |

    Celemony GmbH/ Munich, September 30, 2013 (ictw) - Cakewalk's new Sonar X3 offers, thanks to Celemony's ARA technology, a particularly user-friendly Melodyne integration, so it's only fitting that Melodyne essential is included in the bundle.


    Through the application of ARA Audio Random Access technology, the Grammy-Award-winning audio tool Melodyne is integrated so seamlessly into Sonar X3 that it seems to be a part of the DAW. This makes using Melodyne much easier. The correction and optimization of recordings proceeds faster and is more fun.

    Sonar X3 Producer and Sonar X3 Studio are supplied in a bundle with Melodyne essential, which permits basic Melodyne editing of pitch and timing with monophonic audio material such as lead vocal, bass or flute tracks. But the latest version of Melodyne editor can also, thanks to ARA, be operated elegantly in Sonar X3 and offers, in addition to extended tools, the patented DNA Direct Note Access for polyphonic audio material – ideal for editing individual notes in piano or guitar recordings or for polyphonic audio-to-MIDI.

    "We are pleased and proud that, with Cakewalk, another important manufacturer is now supporting ARA," says Anselm Rößler, Managing Director of Celemony. "Users of ARA to date have given us very positive feedback and we are convinced that also Sonar users will be enthused by the Melodyne integration."

    ARA technology was developed by Celemony in cooperation with Presonus and is open to use by manufacturers of both DAWs and plug-ins. ARA opens an additional channel of communication so that DAW and plug-in can exchange information about the audio file, tempo, pitch and rhythm among many other things, and thereby work much more closely together.

    For more information about Melodyne and ARA, visit: http://www.celemony.com

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