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    By HC News |

    LITTLE FERRY, NEW JERSEY, April 1st, 2014 – You’re angry. And you have a right to be. So you record a song to show just how angry you are. You listen back and, yes, you nailed it. At least you feel you did. But maybe, just maybe, it’s not angry enough. Or, maybe it’s too angry? Is your anger clouding your judgment? Face it, it wouldn’t be the first time. So, you play it for a friend. He agrees. He says “Man, you nailed it!” But you know you can’t trust him; you never could. So what now? Where do you turn?
    Eventide has the answer. Today, Eventide announced the availability of a new, free plug-in called “Angry.” Angry is a plug-in that analyzes the emotional content of music by measuring, in real time, the tempo, spectral components, dynamics and musical key to create a multi-dimensional signature of your song. It then compares that signature to a database created by people rating angry songs - lots and lots of angry songs. People just like you.
    "Until now you'd have to rely on your 'gut' to tell you if your song is as angry as you think it is. But the gut is a fickle thing. Especially if you're in a bad mood," said Eventide spokesperson, Giovanni Lamb. "Eventide's Angry plug-in applies cold, calculating science to the task of measuring the emotional content of your music," continued Lamb. "With Angry, you'll know exactly how it feels."  
    Industry analyst, Josef Polka, commented, “It’s sad that a company with a sterling reputation like Eventide’s would even consider such a pathetic, weak-minded enterprise. It’s as if Eventide is now being run by George Costanza. Frankly, I suggest that they next work on a plug-in to help them make better decisions. I’m angry.”
    Angry is now available for free. It is not copy protected and can be downloaded without entering an email address or any other personal information. Installers for Mac AU/VST/AAX 32/64-bit and Windows VST/AAX 32/64-bit can be found here:
    Eventide is a registered trademark of Eventide Inc.  ©2014 Eventide Inc.


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