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  • Discovery Pro updated to Release 6.3

    By HC News |

    We have updated Discovery Pro to Release 6.3.

    What's new:

    - Multi-size GUI: We have rewritten Discovery Pro graphics engine and is now configurable in three window sizes: 1x (400p), 1.5x (600p) and 2x (800p). No more squinting when trying to look at some parameter or search for a led anymore! Of course CPU has been dramatically optimised at any configuration.

    - Linux support: DAW software like Bitwig or Renoise has been getting better and better at a very fast rate lately. Since R6.3, Discovery Pro is committed to support the progressively popular OS amongst musicians in 32 and 64-bit flavours.

    - Major internal structure re-write and clean up.

    - Revised manual, banks and help files.

    6.3 is a free update for 6.x customers. Updating from Release 5 and below costs 29 EUR and for a limited time Discovery (non Pro) owners can cross grade for 59 EUR. All these options are available at discoDSP Members Area http://www.discodsp.com/members/


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