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  • Introducing HyperGravity Mini Compressor & Mimiq Mini Doubler

    By HC News |

    Introducing HyperGravity Mini Compressor & Mimiq Mini Doubler



    Mini Versions of Our HyperGravity & Mimiq Pedals







    This dynamic duo will give you huge guitar tone without holding your pedalboard to ransom. Featuring our acclaimed MD3 and doubling algorithms respectively, HyperGravity Mini Compressor and Mimiq Mini Doubler are possibly some of the most powerful pedals we've ever put into mini format!




    HyperGravity Mini Compressor is the world's smallest multi-band compressor. We took all of the good stuff - performance, usability, even the green-sparkle paint-job - from our acclaimed HyperGravity Compressor and condensed it down into a super-compact enclosure. 




    Studio-Quality multiband compressor

    Ultra-compact design

    TonePrint enabled




    Mimiq Mini Doubler brings you the same ground-breaking live guitar doubling as its bigger brother. With our proprietary doubler algorithm condensed and squeezed it into an even smaller enclosure, Mimiq Mini delivers actual studio-grade double tracking in an impossibly compact pedal.




    The world's smallest realistic guitar doubling pedal

    Adds an additional guitar track on top of your dry signal

    Makes your riffs and solos sound massive




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