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Underrated/unappreciated guitarist alert!!!!

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It's difficult to find some footage of this guy without that screechy bitch Joplin hogging the camera, but James Gurley knew his stuff and most certainly is high up in our category of underated and unappreciated guitarists.


OK, maybe screechy bitch is a tad harsh, but James most certainly did spend his time in the shadow of thos howling whore:eek::facepalm:, meant singing lady, but he most certainly is a great guitarist


So lets hear it for James....and extra point for spotting them finger picks:thu:


Psychedelia at it's funnest:thu:




This one has Sam Andrews takin a share of the singin but listen out and watch for James solo.....and as it's the mid/late 60s, it's SG heaven, as y'all still waitin for the full on British Invasion and for Gibson to start makin em again:thu:



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