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My G&L is back... and better than ever.


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The before pic: Stock 1993 G&L Legacy w/ Seymour Duncan SSL1s. Lacked any bite, too much too treble for my tastes (just lost output trying to dull it out with the tone knobs). Overdriven these pickup are horrible.




The after pic: Three new pickups, hand-wound and custom-built by my pal Chad at Heckler Custom Guitars. New pickguard, and finally, a setup. The bridge HB is wound similar to a PAF at about 9K output. The middle is wound very warm at about 7.5K output. The neck pickup is wound a little hotter at about 8K output. They're nicely balanced and have tons of bite (I find the tone knobs are a bit more useful now). Great driven and clean (even the HB has a nice clean to it).




I love how it played before, but the pickups didn't suit me at all. Thinking my 1993 Fender Tele Plus (HB bridge and single neck) is gonna head back to the case for a while now.

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