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Making a first bloom - much advice needed!

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Hello everybody, I understand that you must get thread titles like this everyday and are pretty bored of them. This is more of a first time post -hello -cover-all- because I'm really in need of some support or criticism or whatever. So additionally I hope that this post isn't out of place.

I joined up a while ago now but haven't been active on these forums since. pretty much because all of the technicalities and jargon is beyond me. Recently I've been recording my band's demo/EP in a house with a mate and it's become increasingly obvious that I'm going to have to "up my game" so to speak and learn a lot more. I figured this place could help me out a great deal. :blah:




Back to the point - I've been recording and it's been like the first thing I've been attempting to record somewhat properly. My first problem is that I'm not entirely sure but I would like to be able to release it - I've uploaded it to www.purevolume.com/davesulk though there's still a little bit of tweaking and bits to do it but is pretty much done. It'd be nice if some people here could let me know what they think and whether they reckon it's worth putting out somewhere other than this.


Secondly, I'm from the UK. A lot of the threads and information here seem geared towards the US. So a stupid question, how'd i go about releasing it? Ideally I'd like to get about 50 copies in like cardboard sleeve cases ready for a big gig at the end of this month. I don't know if that's even do-able.


Anyway, I hope someone can help me out... I look forward to speaking to all of you.

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Hard alt isn't exactly my playground, but it sounded just as bit as roadworthy as a lot of other music in the genre I've heard. Vocals were a little mushy, but then again, I guess with stuff this hard that's not the whole focus.


Track 3 is about as weird a thing I've ever heard, but I really liked it. It is odd and interesting and would be a great track for film.


As for releasing - you'll just have to do your homework. There's plenty of info out there online about how to do that. Start locally, as since you're in the UK, people are a lot more likely to spend money on music than here in the US. But there are plenty of places online to get you started - myspace, for one. Get a music page there as soon as possible and start networking.


Good luck with your stuff. :)

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Thanks! - I never know why it's so difficult to get critqued on the net... I suppose I was thinking hypothetically if nobody here really does like it, then to question if there's any reason in pushing it anywhere ever. Maybe that's a bad outlook to take or it's just a knock on effect of {censored}ty myspace generation. Should have probably titled the thread differently mind!



But yeah, I think my main gripe is with the vocals. I don't know how really to improve them. I don't think the perfomance was totally there however I believe they could "sit" on the music better.

The guy I'm recording with, I get the impression he is pretty sick of working on it and I'm eager to get them done but I also don't want them to be dormant... My only real idea was to mix the vocals lower again in some places.


And cheers about track three! This is the weird thing about music.. I put it on there as I don't want people to get too comfortable with one kind of sound or style because it isn't representive of me totally. So I'd never have to be stuck in a certain way. Most of my friends I've shown aren't too keen on that song though and say if it has to be there they would rather it on the end.


I really don't know what to do with it though.

i appreciate the comments - Thanks!

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