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Les Paul wiring recomendations?


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Hi folks. I've got an Epi Les Paul (thanks mainly to the excellent advice I got previously in this forum) and I want to upgrade the pickups to a set of Bare Knuckle pickups that I already have (nailbomb for the neck, warpig for the bridge). As I'm hopeless with a soldering iron, I'm planning to pay for someone who knows what they're doing to do it (and get a full set up while I'm at it). And as I'm paying for a professional job I reckon I ought to make sure there's nothing else I want doing so I can get everything done in one go and won't have to pay again if I find I want something else doing in the future.


So I'm investigating wiring options. I know there's a mod to provide independant volume control and I definitely want that. But as both the new pickups have 4 conductor wiring I know that there are a lot of other options too, most of which I barely understand -- split coil, series/parallel, in/out of phase etc. etc. I can find a lot of different wiring diagrams but don't seem to be able to figure out which would be best for me. I don't want to add a load of extra switches but I'm more than happy to replace all 4 knobs with push/pull ones, and I'm mostly interested in mods that will give me greater tonal flexibility (although if there's a useful mod I haven't heard of that provides a different benefit, I wouldn't want to rule anything out qithout at least considering it).


Can anyone make any suggestions on what wiring configuration would be best? And if you know where I can find a wiring diagram to match that I could show to the guitar tech, I would be hugely grateful.

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THIS is what you want him to do to your guitar. I wish all gear questions were this cut and dry simple:




You should do some research into Jimmy Page's wiring set up. I know his signature guitar had all push/pull pots. Also, you may want to check out RS Guitarworks for some of their wiring kits...



Actually, although Jimmy Page wired his guitareffectively the same as above, He really achieved it with two push pull pots and two mini-toggle switches under the pick guard. It did the same thing as using 4 push pull pots...but for some reason he had it modded in two separate steps and one of the guys used mini toggles. I don't recommend it because it is less clean and more invasive (how do you mount the toggles without cutting into your Les Paul?) But if you want to perfectly copy Jimmy...Do THIS instead:

Sounds the same...just more complicated and invasive in terms of altering your guitar:





BTW if you want "Independent volume control" (the guitar will NOT lose all volume if ONE of the two pots is turned to zero and both pickups are selected...instead, the other pickup still works) switch the two wires on the lugs of both volume pots that are not connected to ground. That way the volume pots will not be "ganged" and instead be independent. You also might want to consider a "trebel bleed cap" across the two lugs of each volume pot so that the volume doesn't get muddy on either pickup as you turn down. Other than that I can't think of any improvements to the Jimmy Page mod.

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