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Ibanez Roadstar Pickup Question/ Suggestion


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I have acquired a used Ibanez Roadstar II that has 3 single coil pickups in it (Currently have a set of Fender '57/'62 pickups). I'm thinking of changing the bridge pickup to a humbucker with a higher output, but I'm not sure how the body was routed.


I need to know if it will fit a full size humbucker in bridge? If not what single coil size humbucker are versatile and able to achieve the 'brown sound' easily?


FYI the guitar has a basswood strat style body. My favourite humbuckers at the moment are Dimarzios Norton and the 36th Anniversary PAF.

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Can't open up the guitar, it is not with me right now. I kept forgetting its model... I think it is a RG135, there's a label behind the headstock if I'm not mistaken.


The time I got it it has already been refinish in tobacco burst with the fender pickups, and oddly it has gold logos.


Ive put Duncan 59s in a couple of my strat type guitars and like the tone a lot


How close are they compared to the normal '59? Im clueless in terms of basswood guitars and it seems to me they are a bit harder to get the matching pickups that makes them sounds better (Im not very big on shredding tones, actually i like alder better) :lol:

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My 86 440 is routed HsH, and came factory with ssH pickups. Not sure if they are all this way, but I recall ibanez having sss, ssh, and hh versions when I bought mine in 86, so it would make sense to use a single body route pattern for all the models.

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Well just heard some clips for the lil '59 and so far I liked it. Plus I dont have to route the pickguard.. :)


BTW are there any other alternatives, perhaps something that has a bit more gain for metal, but cleans up nicely? I'm also looking at Dimarzios Chopper, Fast Track among others.

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