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Tele FMT Mods?


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I've always been curious about these guitars, so when one popped up locally with the "right price," I grabbed it.

Very interesting guitar I have to say. I love the PUP's as I am a big fan of Duncan's...especially 59's. Not sure if I will keep it or not...love the sounds...not sure if the neck and jumbos are for me. I'm going to mess around with it for a while in any case.

So...I think it would benefit from a better bridge. The body is string-through, and this is the bridge:


Anybody have a suggestion for a more substantial bridge for this guitar? I have a Joe Barden bridge on a VZ Custom Tele that I love. I don't know that it would fit, but something like that would be great.

Any other easy mods that would take this one up a notch?

Thanks for you thoughts.

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