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Chuck Berry Collapses On Stage

Jeff Leites

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Not at all! More about how he gigged. To make a long story short...he'd come into town, and put together a pickup band of local musicians who, of course, knew all his songs (who doesn't?). Don't think he paid 'em much, either, because they could say they played with Chuck Berry.

Every time we gigged with him, he got paid with a suitcase full of cash. He picked up the suitcase, counted the cash, took his guitar, and moved on to the next town


Did he also play out of tune? And chuckle as you tuned your guitar to his and tried to catch up ? I've been there and done the same routine you speak of..But thats Chuck on the flip side he hooked me up with a nation wide talent and production agent who has been a major benefit to my income level and exposure...Myself,Billy Peak,Buffalo Bob,Rondo and several others owe Chuck huge for opening the door for us Midwest guys..

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Everyone owes Chuck huge, as you say. But that doesn't mean he's a saint, or that he's immune from the ravages of old age. I wish the guy would live forever and be at top form as well, but we all know that there's a beginning and an end to every story. There wouldn't be rock as we know it without Chuck, and regardless of anything else he's done, we owe him a debt of gratitude for that.

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