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Stoopid to trade?


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OK, this other day I bought a strat. A very nice Fender deluxe powerhouse strat from 2005. Just got that GAS you know? got it for about $550 but here's the thing.

I don't like how it sounds with my amp

I don't like the pickups

I don't like the feel of a strat.. at all


Just like the way it played and that was all I thought about when I bought it.. well that and the whole "you need a strat" thing.


since I live on a small island its gonna be a bugger to sell so I thought I would trade it

and this guy is selling his squier classic vibe 50s tele with some seymour duncans.


would it be stupid to trade?.. I don't really mind the price difference that much and I love tele's, the way they play and the way they sound.

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