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Dimarzio Areas vs Fender Hot Noiseless


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so it has come down to these two sets of pickups. Dimarzio areas vs the jeff beck hot noiseless


which is better at being able to sound great with high van halen type gain, yet still sound pretty good clean?


i am NOT looking for a traditional single coil tone, i don't care abut that.


Currently, i can save $30-$40 by going the Hot Noiseless route, so i am somewhat leaning in that direction.


how is string pull on the hot noiseless? less then a typical single coil?

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The Hot Noiseless PUs retain hull integrity even at maximum warp, captain ... and they sound authentic enough clean for me to have had people tell me, 'Ah, you can't beat REAL VINTAGE TONE ...'


And then I have to tell them what those PUs actually are.


The HNs are stacked 'buckers, use ceramic magnets and measure in at 10 plus ... but they're not necessarily louder than classic singlecoils would be through the same amp at the same settings. When I switch guitars to something with P90s or regular/hot HBs, the volume goes up. What they do is give you a defined, detailed Strat sound at ANY level of gain. Don't confuse them with Hot Rails, the JB Jr or any other side-by-side-twin-coil unit shrunk to fit a Strat rout ...


Anybody who DOES want an EVH tone ahould start with a conventional HB -- large OR small.


They were indeed originally designed for Mr Beck -- but last I heard he was using custom-wound Suhr PUs in his personal instruments.

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