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English pickup manufacturer, poss. Nottinghamshire?


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Hi all,


Hoping someone here can fill a gap in my memory. I remember the emergence of a custom pickup manufacturer in England, perhaps five or so years ago. I saw a review in Guitar Buyer in the UK; their USP was coloured bobbins and/or exotic timber veneers on their pickups. I *think* they were made in a village in Nottinghamshire somewhere, and that the company was named after that village. My hazy memory wants to say that village was called Hogshead, or something like that.


My googling reveals nothing, and I have long since recycled the back issue in question.


Perhaps they went out of business, but it's strange that I can't find any reference to them. Of course, it would help if I could remember what on earth they were called...


Can anyone reassure me that I'm not imagining things?

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