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Humidity question re : semi hollow / hollow bodies


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I leave mine (Heritage H-535) out on a stand in an uncontrolled room. It requires infrequent truss rod adjustment, but then again I have a solid body G&L which NEVER requires any adjustments other than occasional intonation. Whether the Heritage is more sensitive due to the fact that it's a semi or that it just happens to be more sensitive, I don't know. On the flip side, my Taylor acoustic can definitely get way out of whack if I leave it out.

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Most semi-hollows are plywood and not effected as much as solid wood tops like spruce and cedar tops.



True. I've had mine on a rack for close to a year now and haven't noticed any issues at all. I was a little worried for a second though!

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Your acoustic likely cracked due to a lack of humidity.

Full hollows are susceptible to drying out just like acoustics. A case humidifier would be a good idea.



yes, you're right, furnace dried out the basement. i do have a "dampit" in there, but forgot to dip it a few times too many i guess. time to buy one of those fancy ones that scream at you.


the guitar's in the shop being repaired now. you live you learn i guess.

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