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ES 339...59 Neck is Perfect...for Me at Least.


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After considerable deliberation, several trips to local stores, and a call to Gibson...I chose the the 59 neck profile over the 30/60. I couldn't find one to play, and I didn't care for the 30/60 compared to some of the fatter necks out there (the 137 in particular). Since I had a choice , I just sort of crossed my fingers, picked, and hoped that the 59 wouldn't be too fat. That's risky with a guitar like this, but...

Anyway, it showed up today and I absolutely love the neck. It is fat but feels just right. I absolutely feel more resonance to the guitar through this neck than I felt with the 30/60's. I haven't gotten to play it a great deal yet, but I play a lot of guitars of all types so I've become pretty sensitive to the idiosyncrasies of these things (for better or worse).

I fence-sat for quite a while between neck profiles, as well as 137, 335, or 339 This one is truly a beauty, and it really does produce a range of quality tones. I think what I really am digging is how defined the 57's sound in this body. There is no mud at all and rolling off the tone gives a great jazzy 335 neck sound.

So...I was hoping for a guitar that would do the Robben Ford/Carlton tone as well as the clean-ish Kurt Rosenwinkel tone, and this does them dead-on and a lot more. Awesome guitar...not exactly news, but...it's new to me.

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