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Garage Band Question

Brian the Drummer

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Originally posted by DrumminBtama

Hey dude. How much does it cost to rent a house? I'm to dumb to figure it out. One of my bands is looking to rent out a house and make a temporary studio for when we record and we are trying to figure out how much that would cost.



Why don't you just rent a Maxi-storage in a business park?



Firecodes generally prevent bands form practicing in a Mini-storage, but a Maxistorage is allowe3d because it's got more than 1 door in it.

A Maxistorage is generally a 30'x50' "Garage" with a Bay/Garage overhead door, a 10'x10' office, and a bathroom. You can get these for as little as $300-$500 a month depending upon where you look. We had one of these for years for a bandroom, and it was great.




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Thanks for the replies! I just was checking it out and it was only warm at 4 PM. I plan on getting a fan to help with the heat but sweating won't be the problem.


DrumminBtama: My house is about 1300 a month plus utilities but if you just need a place to play go with Fafnir's idea. Much cheaper. Unless you are all moving somewhere, which is basically what I have done.

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Originally posted by Brian the Drummer

I play Sonor Force's by the way.



What series (1001, 2001, or 3001)? It makes a difference because the 1001 have no real hardwood in them, only the basswood and thus they absorb moisture much more than their cross laminated counterparts of the 2001 and 3001 series. When they absorb moisture from humidity and are then exposed to high heat they will warp. The 2001 and 3001 will be okay because their outer plies are hardwood which will prevent most moisture absorbance and stop warping because the hardwood provides a sort of protective frame that the basswood can adhere to. Sorry if that was confusing, feel free to ask questions. BTW, I found this out from a site that used to exist (has been shut down) that had a great section on humidy, moisture, and drum woods.

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