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Punk Music?


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Welll I listen to metal, jazz, blues, fusion, prog rock, and pretty much every other type of music other than punk. I have always been biased against punk music. Infact i wouldn't even call it music. I thought punk was ridiculous and non talented music


Well this week one of my friends who is a drummer in the punk band No Big Loss www.nobigloss.com asked me to come out to a show with him and be his drum tech and roadie. He also garunteed me a party afterwards with lots of beer and such. Well I went to the bands house chilled wiht them they were all realy funny. Then we went to the shwo i helped all of them set up and then they played. I was amazed. Punk, and it sounded good to me. Then i realized there is some good punk out there. But man i was surprized I liked it. The concert also had plenty of fine females. Weinvited alot of them back to the house for the party. There was plenty of fun there. I got trashed and slept wiht some girl. lol

But that was myfirst experience with punk music. It was fun as hell. They thought i was cool to so they want me to be there permanent roadie and drum tech. I would be plenty happy to do so.:D :D :D :D


I just had to share this. reply away

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And roadies we shall be, for thee Punk Lords, for thee. Fine babes hath descended forth from thy shows, that our beds may never be empty and for our cocks to be sucked swiftly at thy command. We shall flow a river of beer forth to thee, and teeming with pot shall it ever be.


In nomine Patris, et Filius, Spiritus sanctus




I couldn't resist... Found the post and the sig line too contraditory to ignore. ;)

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I haven't really attended a punk gig but I have discovered atleast one punk band I like and they're Bad Brains. I think it's really nice honest music and they even have pretty decent guitar solos(especially when compared to the embarrassing Amen solos).

As for chicks...well, God bless God for creating groupies!!!:D

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That's good you like punk now. Like you, I didn't care for it a whole lot until a couple of years ago when I saw a couple of local punk acts. I used to be a serious metalhead but since my first punk show, I really can't listen to metal anymore. Something about the raw, simple energy and vibe that I love. It's so simple but it works so well.


I don't wanna sound like I'm bashing No Big Loss but they sound like the typical new punk (they sound a lot like Blink 182) that's popular with kids these days. They sound pretty good but that's not the kind of punk that gets me going. I highly recommend some Bad Religion, Fugazi, Buring Airlines (their drummer is fantastic), the Decendants...among others if this is something you wanna explore.

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Originally posted by rumblebelly

I highly recommend some Bad Religion, Fugazi, Buring Airlines (their drummer is fantastic), the Decendants...among others if this is something you wanna explore.



Burning Airlines-- YEAH! Their drummer is tight beyond belief, yet with finesse, and his ride work on Mission Control puts Peart to shame...really!!

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I would also look into bands like NoMeansNo, Victim's Family, the Jesus Lizard (One of the finest rhythm section since Jimmy Garrison and Elvin Jones), Helmet, Drive Like Jehu, Don Cabelleros (possibly the most sef indulgent drummer ever), tortise, Breadwinner, Shellac, early soundgarden, Melvins, Engine Kid, Creedle, Dennison/Kimbal Trio, The Ruins, and Dirty Three.

None of these bands are really pop punk like the what the other posts have been talking about, but just some suggestions from the punk/indie/grunge/noise world.

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Good choices listed there for non-traditional punk. I would also suggest the SUBHUMANS because they were a most excellent punk rock group with fantastic musicianship and the best lyrics ever. Or the MISFITS....I can't imagine anyone not liking the classic MISFITS tunes......These days I listen to alot of doom and black metal and stoner rock because I feel that punk is best represented in those genres these days as opposed to what passes for punk rock in the media.

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