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Fingerboard removal


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I came across an old Hondo guitar and the fingerboard needs replacement and i know i need heat to remove the fingerboard from the neck. Would the heat from a hairdryer be to much and warp the neck of the guitar? Are there any other household appliances that could get the job done? Any info would be much appreciated.

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Unless you're doing it for experience, there's no way replacing the fingerboard is a better idea than replacing the neck. In fact, based on my experience with Hondo, you'd do as well to pitch the whole guitar, as none I've seen have any redeeming social value.

I would be more concerned that the hairdryer would provide insufficient heat than too much. I'm not positive, but I think luthiers build up a hot box to uniformly heat the whole neck too. Also, it's entirely possible that Hondo would use some glue that's impervious to heat, so the whole deal may be a no-go.


EDIT: Ah-ha... another common household tool:


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Ruining the guitar insnt really an issue. i was doing ti for the experience to understand the process of building a fingerboard and fretting a guitar. I figured it would be the best place to start with a guitar i really dont care about. So if i do need something else to provide heat then i guess where is the least expensive thing i can find to get the job done?

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