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Anybody here ever use Moongel?


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I often use them live, since most live sound engineers these days can't deal with a wide open drum sound. I put one on each rack toms batter head about a 1/2" from the edge at the farthest point from me. On the floor tom I use one( sometimes two at the same distance from the edge and placed roughly 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock) and on the snare I'll use one from between a 1/2" from the edge to touching the hoop, I have a 5 1/2 x 14" snare that sounds almost like a metal snare when its wide open, which is great, but when I want it to sound like a gun shot I just throw on one gel and BLAMMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love these little blue gels (not Biblically of course. :eek: ), no more messy tape! ( Can you see the info - mercial?) And they are completely adjustable. They even work on cymbals. IMO these are designed to tame wide open well tuned drums. If your trying to use these to compensate for heads that are worn out or a lack of tuning experience then you may be slightly disappointed.

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