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A guitarist with a drum problem. Please help!


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Hello everybody!


This is my very first time on the drum forum.

Usually I play guitar and sing with my band but now I'm doing some studio work by myself.


The problem is this:


I have a Ludwig drum with a Ludwig snare.

I have to buy a good drum head for the snare and I'm looking for a Bonham/Kravitz snare sound.


Which drumhead do I buy?

Any suggestions??




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along the same line as the REMO coated(which is a good choice), you could try a Renaissance batter head (Ambassador weight) and a Renaissance snare side resonant..... they are just a bit warmer sounding that the regular coated heads,, but are quite versatile in sounds,, depending on the tuning.....

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The Remo Coated Ambassador is DEFACTO standard. its like the "D'Addario strings" for your LP. everyone and their mom uses 'em.


they chip easily tho, and instead i usually use an Aquarian Texture Coated. Aquarian heads totally rock, and IMHO are better quality. btw, the TC is their version of the CA. another version of the CA is Evans' G1 Coated.


if you want something slightly different but cool, try an Evans Power Center w/Dot.


Carter Beauford of Dave Matthews Band uses 'em. he tunes his snares super high for that crack. but if i tune my snare low, and i can nail that dry, thump of Cindy Blackman's ludwig snare on "Are You Gonna Go My Way".


sooooooo :cool:

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