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Anyone else play barefoot?

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In my other thread about foot technique, I brought up the fact that for most of the stuff I play, I feel much more accurate and precise on the pedal barefoot (Eliminator for single, IC for double). I know that at least one other famous (read: GOOD) drummer, Chad Sexton, plays barefoot. I was just curious to see if it's a greater drumming rarity than I thought. I personally feel that shoes take away from the control of the pedal (unless there's some really cool ass drum shoe I've never heard of....wait....)



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I tried playing barefoot a couple of times. I don't like the actual feeling of my foot touching the cold surface of the pedal. Feels kinda awkward to me. What I do like is that being able to curl your toes around the pedal, you gain control of minimal movements of the pedal.


But the overall feeling stays awkward, so I usually play with sneakers with a thin sole.

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My feet are sensitive and the rough surface of the pedal tickles the bottom of my foot.


When I practice I play with whatever, barefoot, socks, boots. When I do a show I prefer something like Chuck Taylors or some other flat soled tennis shoe. Gives me more volume when I wears shoes like that and still allows heel-toe...which I never use at a show for some reason. How odd.

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I always play barefoot. I prefer to drive barefoot too (I wear sandles as often as I can). When I lived at my parents house, I would play basketball barefoot in the driveway.


The fill-in dood for max on connan plays barefoot.

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Originally posted by GlassJawTriplet

In my other thread about foot technique, I brought up the fact that for most of the stuff I play, I feel much more accurate and precise on the pedal barefoot (Eliminator for single, IC for double). I know that at least one other famous (read: GOOD) drummer, Chad Sexton, plays barefoot. I was just curious to see if it's a greater drumming rarity than I thought. I personally feel that shoes take away from the control of the pedal (unless there's some really cool ass drum shoe I've never heard of....wait....)

Hell, if I ever get famous, I'd be the most unorthodox drummer in a while (I play 50/50 open hand with two hat setups, one on the left, one on the right, have a weird cymbal setup (people say it's "backwards" except for the hi-hat (s), or sometimes just wtf), and do all sorts of other weird {censored} that I don't see anyone doing, or even trying. I would play totally had I not friends that made fun of my early drumming years, laid on the "think you're carter?" jokes, and whatnot. Those bastards are going to burn for theiflaming of my novice drum skills (or just get that spiteful look as I currently smoke them on all their instruments (I was just the lead guitarist.....but it's a different story.




how's the weather way up on that pedestal?

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Sigh....if it came across as cocky, I apologize. I took it out. My point was simply this: there's a certain irony in what I had said. When I told people I was going to only focus on drums and lose guitar (I sucked horribly at drums), I got openly mocked for playing like a jackass and was open.ly deemed hopeless. I wasn't trying to come across as God of the music world, I just find satisfaction in the fact that I became better than other drummers who took light of my style.

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The thought of drum shoes made me remember that a drummer in a band I played in actually had some set of shoes he claimed were "drum shoes." I never inquired much about them, but I'm going to try to find out what they were...they looked almost like some sort of {censored}ty baseball shoes or something of that nature. He never played/practiced without them, and claimed that that they had a major impact on his playing.

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I used to play in some bowling shoes I stole from the local lanes, then went to barefoot. The closer I can get to the pedals, the better. Only thing was, before I really got a technique down (barefoot, that is) the beater used to come down and smack me on the top of the foot...Really hurt, and left the top of my foot all bruised. Now, it's just natural to not use footwear...

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I have what seems to be a permanent scar/mark on the top of my right foot from the Iron Cobra. I can't play that thing without shoes, because it has the meanest recoil and that solid as hell beater. I've been hit in the same spot so many times it basically just scarred. The sole reason I play the Eliminator when I can is because I can play it barefoot without fear of a sudden blow to my foot.

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Originally posted by GlassJawTriplet

I have what seems to be a permanent scar/mark on the top of my right foot from the Iron Cobra. I can't play that thing without shoes, because it has the meanest recoil and that solid as hell beater. I've been hit in the same spot so many times it basically just scarred. The sole reason I play the Eliminator when I can is because I can play it barefoot without fear of a sudden blow to my foot.




I never had that problem with my IC. I ran into it playing a friends el cheapo tama pedal though. Maybe your beater is set too far back?

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The recoil on the cobra was due to the fact that I had the beater back farther than most players do when I played it as a single. I just felt like the 45 degree footboard/beater angle didn't have enough muscle to it, and I couldn't get that nice whack on the kick that I like. I ended up getting an Eliminator because for some reason I feel like it has more force when the beater is close to the head. I've adjusted them both many ways, and I feel like the Eliminator is much more solid as a single, but the Elim double is a joke compared to the Iron Cobra.

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I in socks or barefoot. I like for my foot to be able to move around on the pedal a little bit and rubber soles tend to stick more. I play an axis pedal which has a smooth footboard that feels nice to my feet - plus it's kind of soothing putting a hot foot up to a cool piece of metal after my practice space gets warm.

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Originally posted by jaged05

I play barefoot. I use the DW 5000 single chain single pedal, but I want to get the new 9000 single pedal but its way too expensive.



Pat Torpey from Mr Big put powder on the floor next to his pedal and when his foot would stick he would tap his foot in the powder


I tried bare footed and I didn't like it I use grappling sneakers nice thin sole's

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