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sore wrists

john clarity

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Few things you can look at if you experince pain or discomfort when playing:


- Check your technique. Are you hitting the drum/cymbal properly? How are you gripping the stick, tight? loose?


- Is the drum/cymbal too high or too low? My left wrist would hurt when i hit the snare after playing for more than 20mins. I adjusted the height and the pain quickly went away.


- What is your warmup process? Be sure to strech your muscles in your lower & upper arm as well as your fingers. Also play basic rudiments at moderate tempo & volumes.


Analyze these aspects. If you need to consult another experienced drummer to watch you play and see if they can offer advice.


g'luck. :cool:

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my wrists are {censored}ty as {censored}.....but are improoving!


what i first did was reposition my drumset so everything very compact so I no longer have to work as much to get around the kit.

i set it up so i can touch my cymbals when i reach with a flat palm and the cymbals are also pointing at my chest.

Mt toms are very low and point to my belt buckle. (modern drummer had a good article on this a while back) if you have more than a 4 piece your toms should go on a downward slope as you go further right.


every night ice your wrists (even better if you fill a small tub of some sorts with water and put ice in). make sure that you dont do any activity after this.


other excersize that will strengthen your forearms is good too, I work at a lumber yard and i jumprope, for example.


I never used to warm up, but I have found that to be very key. do slow rudimental stuff for about 20 min (at least). i expierience a lot less pain if i warm up correctly. if you do the rudimental stuff around the kit your flow becomes much more relaxed i have noiticed, resulting in less tention in the wrists.

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my technique is good and i did an hour and a half of a warm up before i played,it's just the song was played at a speed above my ability.this caused my hand to tighten far more than it usually would,so that it was no longer loose and free, and caused pain.this is not a common occurence,i just put this up more for cure rather than prevention!!

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Yeh i had this problem a while back...what i did...is one ^^ kept it in ice (what chops said) but when i wanted to play..i usually just strapped my hands and wrists like a boxer...it still gives u alot of freedom with your wrists but keeps them so they dont hurt or damage any more muscle in the wrist...it helped alot....



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Most of our songs are around 140-180bpm and my problem is a very tired right hand from riding fast eighth notes. Feels like my hand is about to burst from the blood engorged tissue. When I practice single stroke rolls, sometimes my right wrist hurts. Sometimes I notice that I'm gripping the stick too hard which probably doesn't help.


On that swing beat, would it be possible to skip some of those riding notes without screwing up the beat? That might help. For tendonitis (if that's what you have, might wanna see a doc), I recommend ibuprofen (sp?) to reduce swelling which will help speed the healing process and ease the pain.

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Originally posted by psycht

has good info on tendonitis. I recomend you look into it, if not go talk to a doctor or pharmisist to see if there is an ointment you can use to help with the pain and to relax the muscle.


Actually, it's not a muscle. It's just an inflamed tendon (hence the name, tendonitis). I had it once and the physical therapist told me to give it rest, get a wrist brace, and take ibuprofen. If I remember right, it was actually the sheath (de quervain) that the tendon was moving through that was actually inflamed in my situation. It was about 4 years ago and hurts occasionally if I stress it. This is what I had:




You could very well have a different injury.

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hold both sticks together sideways with your right hand towards the top and the left hand at the butt ends and twist your wrists back and forth while stretching your arms,like you're ringing out a towl. go forward and backwards when doing this. that'll loosen you up a bit. :D

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Most of our songs are around 140-180bpm and my problem is a very tired right hand from riding fast eighth notes. Feels like my hand is about to burst from the blood engorged tissue. When I practice single stroke rolls, sometimes my right wrist hurts. Sometimes I notice that I'm gripping the stick too hard which probably doesn't help.

On that swing beat, would it be possible to skip some of those riding notes without screwing up the beat? That might help. For tendonitis (if that's what you have, might wanna see a doc), I recommend ibuprofen (sp?) to reduce swelling which will help speed the healing process and ease the pain.



that's what i had to do - didn't sound great,but i mananged to keep it in sections so that i was swinging for some parts,added a bit of definition but all swinging would be better.the song is meant to be 160 but they play it a fair bit faster.

i've noticied something funny lately which is making me reconsider my technique - i noticed while doing double stroke rolls that my right hand tightened far more than my left, and that i was getting excellent bounce and looseness from my left even as i sped up. it seems lately i've let my right hand technique degrade a bit, so that my weaker left hand now actually has a better technique for that free moeller-type bounce stroke.while my left hand is still not strictly faster than my right,i imagine it will be in time if i don't correct my right hand technique,which has drifted to being in between wrist and finger technique.this means getting the advantages of neither, and having my wrist tightening far earlier than my "weaker" left does.it could be that trying to correct that has tired my right wrist more than usual leading to this pain.it will definately be worth correcting i think though for less pain in the long run, and because i just won't get much further with that bad technique.

i used ibuprofen gel before the gig last night,i think it helped a bit,and used it this morning and now have just a dull constricting tightness in my wrist.i'm thinking of going to a physiotherapist friday to get their recommendation which i'll post here.

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I've kinda got the cards stacked against me cause I'm left handed playing a righty kit. My right hand does sooooo much work and is soooo much weaker than my left. However, I can do fast single handed rolls with my left :) My right hand is getting better but it's gonna take some work. At shows, everyone things I'm pissed off as all hell but the reality is that I'm in a lot of pain from muscle fatigue.

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Alright, everybody who has a weird setup, elaborate on it a little more. I am ambidexurous in real life (can write with both hands, was a right handed batter, a left footed soccer player, etc). I find my most natural setup is the basic right handed layout, moving only the ride from the right to left. I sometimes keep a second set of hi-hats to the right of my kit, in case I want to play hi-hats with my right hand and not crossover. Otherwise it's open hand on hi-hats.


Share your unique setups, I'd be curious to see how other people tackle the coordination problem.

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