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I'm looking for Christian drummers in Seattle


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Honestly, I think if he wants a band of all Christians then let him be. I think nonreligous people can be just as pushy about their beliefs as religous folk.

Anyway, i can't think of many non-Christian drummers that would want to be in a band like that anyway so the issue is moot. I know I wouldn't bother auditioning.

For instance if I was forming a band I probably wouldn't want certain types of people in my band. Personally I wouldn't want to be in a band with a straight edger, an underage kid (sorry, no offense..just makes it harder to play in some places), a total loser, or someone that has a problem with drinking (or not drinking). I'd want someone like myself, excluding race of course and religion, with similar goals so that there's less headaches down the road. My band is stressful enough and we are usually on the same page 80% of the time.

Religion is a sticky enough topic anyway and I'm surprised some are making such a big deal out of it.

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Originally posted by steamyz

So i am going to start a funk band - and we are really serious about THE FUNK - and what it means to be FUNKY. So we want a BLACK drummer - because that's where FUNK started....and we have to be authentic.....

So i am only looking for a BLACK drummer.....our fans depend on it.



I am so surprised that everyone here has such strong feelings around this issue. I've never heard arguments like the ones on this thread in my whole life. If I would have said we were a Christian band would everyone have been as offended? Does this mean that Christian bands are offensive because the people in the band are playing their music for Jesus and not something else? Does it mean that if you don't play music just for playing music, you have committed a horrible offense?


In direct reply to steamyz, if you felt as strongly about funk as I do about Jesus, then maybe you would look for only true funk musicians. The difference here is that I try to dedicate my whole life around Jesus Christ. If you tried to do that for funk, then it would be that level of commitment.


I'm amused, but trying not to be. I'm trying to see things from your viewpoint, but I've never heard of anyone being offended at a band because of who they were. The funny part is that you probably wouldn't even want to be in my band.


I didn't come on the board to offend anyone. If I've done that, it is a surprise to me. I'm just trying to find a drummer.

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Threads like yours ALWAYS provoke strong feeling and exactly this type of discussion,personally I would have felt just as uncomfortable though not exactly offended if you had said you were a christian band,why cant you just dedicate your music to sex and booze like everyone else.The majority of us choose not to dedicate our lives to Jesus Christ because we don't feel the need for that kind of emotional and spiritual crutch.I personally don't feel that my life is lacking so that I would seek out comfort in religion.I just love my music .

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Originally posted by mmmiddle

You guys all have different viewpoints. That's good. Here's the thing about our band: we have a specific goal in mind to let our actions speak loudly about Jesus Christ while our words only point the way.

I am just being open about our faith to any prospective drummers, because they will be joining a band with Jesus Christ as the focus, but not in the overt "Hey everyone, we're going to bash you in the face with our religion" kind of way. The band is going to have to all be Christian because this is a tough thing to do. We will all pray together and be expected to share about who we are with anyone who asks. What I'm looking for isn't to exclude good drummers, but to establish a deep unity and a band with members that can readily share what the band is about.

A lot of people have the impression that Christians are clique- or club-oriented. They think we all like to be bigoted and look down on people who don't follow our specific list of rules.

I'm out to change that and I'm looking for people who want to be in a band of Christians who aren't uptight, refuse to play outside the walls of a church building, or refuse to associate with non-Christians.

We in fact are out to make meaningful music for everyone because we believe that there is something for everyone in Jesus. Most people who didn't grow up in the church don't have the context to understand what Christians are saying, though, because Christians seem to have a certain vocabulary. My idea is that it is actions which show this better, and words which can only hint at it.

So that's why the drummer should be a Christian. If we had another drummer, he/she would feel really out of place, and when asked about what the band was about, I'd have a feeling he/she would have a very different answer than the rest of us, which could be confusing to fans.

Does that make better sense?

Man, I had to come read this post after I noticed that an ad for "Christian Drummer in Seattle" had gone to page 2! For a minute there I thought that the board may be very geographically and religiously skewed and I hadn't figured it out yet.

Anyway, to the point at hand, I don't see a problem with what mmmiddle's (do you cover the Who's 'M-m-m-my G-g-g-generation'?). If the band's music is going to be based somehow in a particular religion, and the guys in the band want to pray together or do raindances for that matter, it would probably be best to find somebody with a similar interest. Some bands don't like their members to do drugs...some seem to rely upon drug use, and both usually hire accordingly.

It DOESN'T make sense, at least to me, to go out an recruit a non-Christian drummer and then try to convert him over to your way of thinking, or to have a non-Christian drummer sitting there feeling out-of-place when the band takes a break to pray for God to help them to decide if the song needs a 3rd verse after the bridge or whatever.

I quit a band largely because the lead guitarist was an 'in-your-face' type of Christian. It got to be ridiculous...he'd veto songs on the basis of his faith often just because he was trying to get creative control of the band...for example, he wouldn't play any Red Hot Chili Peppers tunes (even though we all wanted to do one) because he felt that the band members led 'immoral' lives. Meanwhile, we played plenty of songs by 'moral and upright' bands: The Rolling Stones, the Clash, Elvis Costello, Cheap Trick, and plenty of others. I did, however, finally get us to do a Peppers song...I suggested that we play Stevie Wonder's "Higher Ground"...funny, but when we played it, it sounded a lot like the Peppers' version. ;) Anyway, I eventually quit when he started telling our singer to change song lyrics he didn't like (i.e. the song "Brown Eyed Girl": there's a lyric 'making love in the green grass, behing the stadium'...he couldn't deal with it, so he wanted it changed to 'hanging out in the green grass..."). Anyway, I bailed, and a few months later the bass player did the same, then the singer, then the replacement singer, then the other guitarist....I guess he's a solo act now.

The point is, nobody has the right to tell you who should be in your band. If this guy only wants Christians because that's who he likes to hang with, and they'll be praying at rehearsal, it just seems like he OUGTH to be advertising for a Christian drummer. Most bands end up spending a lot of time together in less-than-comfortable conditions...crammed in the back of a van between amps, loading out in the cold/snow/rain, long hours of rehearsal. Bottom line, you'd damn well better be able to get along with your bandmates, because there WILL be times when you'll all want to kill each other.

I, for one, don't want to use my music hobby to forward any particular religious, political, or other belief system...I just want to have a good time and watch the young ladies in the crowd shake thier various naughty bits (can you blame me?). I think me and my bandmates share this as a common goal (except for our singer who has very nice naughty bits herself). If, on the other hand, you have a band with some kind of agenda (overt or covert), you should probably try to hook up with other musicians who share your goals.

Good luck finding a drummer that you can work with.

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Originally posted by rumblebelly

Honestly, I think if he wants a band of all Christians then let him be. I think nonreligous people can be just as pushy about their beliefs as religous folk.

Anyway, i can't think of many non-Christian drummers that would want to be in a band like that anyway so the issue is moot. I know I wouldn't bother auditioning.

For instance if I was forming a band I probably wouldn't want certain types of people in my band. Personally I wouldn't want to be in a band with a straight edger, an underage kid (sorry, no offense..just makes it harder to play in some places), a total loser, or someone that has a problem with drinking (or not drinking). I'd want someone like myself, excluding race of course and religion, with similar goals so that there's less headaches down the road. My band is stressful enough and we are usually on the same page 80% of the time.

Religion is a sticky enough topic anyway and I'm surprised some are making such a big deal out of it.



In my running off at the mouth, Mr. Rumblebelly summed it up nicely.


Not so sure about the midget porn, though....I mean I like it and all, but it gets addictive and I don't want to wear out my wrists.

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Originally posted by ShishKaboom!

Threads like yours ALWAYS provoke strong feeling and exactly this type of discussion,personally I would have felt just as uncomfortable though not exactly offended if you had said you were a christian band,why cant you just dedicate your music to sex and booze like everyone else.The majority of us choose not to dedicate our lives to Jesus Christ because we don't feel the need for that kind of emotional and spiritual crutch.I personally don't feel that my life is lacking so that I would seek out comfort in religion.I just love my music .



No offense, Shish (damn, I can't believe I'm still posting on this thread!) but just because YOU don't want to sing about or focus on religion in YOUR life doesn't mean that it's wrong for mmmiddle to do so.


I'm really not trying to take any sides here...If I see that a Christian band is playing someplace, I probably wouldn't go see 'em...I get my preaching at church. To ME (again, my own personal preferences, nobody else's) rock and roll is the music of rebellion and is anti-authority by nature. Religion is the exact opposite.


But whatever. I don't think mmmiddle has been pushy about his religion, beliefs, or anything else. Nor do I think he's discriminating...he's being selective in order to find the right guy/gal (he didn't specify gender, did he?) that he THINKS will work well with his band.


Frankly, if he were a bigot, and was part of a band of bigots ("Ladies and Gentlemen, The Bigots") it would probably make sense for him to find somebody as bigotted as the rest of his group because they'd all get along better.


Poor guy's just looking for somebody to hit the skins for him.

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Originally posted by ulank

I would, but my style is more of a Jewish/Islamic blend with a side of zaragemca. Sorry.

Oops, I just realized I'm in Chicago too.

Probably not good.


Just a pinch of zaragemca, or you could substitute 1 Tablespoon Authentic Afro-Swedish Polka Metal... to which he have been producer of 7 years ago.

p.s., Love that blend! i got all your albums.

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Originally posted by Liverneck

Just a pinch of zaragemca, or you could substitute 1 Tablespoon Authentic Afro-Swedish Polka Metal... to which he have been producer of 7 years ago.

p.s., Love that blend! i got all your albums.


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Originally posted by Old Steve

....AND another thing.....

Drop the word 'Christain' from his post and substitue it with the word 'Country' and this post gets ZERO replies!

Well sure, Seattle isn't exactly the hotbed for country music. :D

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So does it mean that if you have a singer that is singing about social change and you have a drummer that believes that there should be no such change that the band is somehow disingenuous?

For me personally, I would be more concerned with how the members are interacting. A Christian and an atheist for example, are not likely to get along together and thus would make it difficult for the band to gel. It doesn't make you a biggot to want to play music with like-minded people; it makes you sensible.

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Originally posted by rumblebelly

Even though I'm not a religious man by any means, I know 3 Christian drummers here in Fort Collins. Maybe there's just a lot of God fearing folk in Colo.



make that 4 but i live in denver i know more the and hand full of chhiristian drummer in christian band all rock,punk,or metal.

man if where in settel i would join u in one hot minuite.

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Originally posted by JSimms

...I would be more concerned with how the members are interacting. A Christian and an atheist for example, are not likely to get along together and thus would make it difficult for the band to gel. It doesn't make you a biggot to want to play music with like-minded people; it makes you sensible.




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