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I'm in a bit of a rut at the moment, my band is recording at the moment and we're in the middle of the dreaded guitar takes which are taking about 5 times as long as they should. Needless to say I'm not playing anywhere near as much as I should be.


My kit is in the studio and I can't take it home to my flat. Doing Rudements on a pad is one of the most boring passtimes for me and I seem to be playing more and more guitar.


This has happened before a few years ago now and I very nearly quit the drums because I wasn't enjoying it (which to me is the most important thing).


What do all you guys do to keep your motivation up if things aren't going right?


I need help!!! :eek:

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Well, maybe just use this opportunity to step away from the kit for a while...maybe you just need some time to recharge. If the practice pad is boring you, don't force it. Write some cool guitar stuff and then you'll have something to write some drum parts for, even if it's just for fun. Sometimes a little break/recharge is necessary. Hell, even beating off gets old when you do it everyday. Not that I do that or anything. :o

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The thing that I've had to accept about drumming is that it is NOT instantly gratifying. I think that's why we get frustrated so easily when we aren't progressing as fast as we think we should be. What I like to do is just set small, reasonable goals for myself along the way. If you're struggling with something, it's alright to get frustrated. Just use that frustration as motivation, keep practicing it, and you'll eventually nail it and you won't even notice.

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Ulank and Ignited both make good points. Maybe you just need a little break. My band hadn't rehearsed in about a month until last week. I didn't really miss NOT playing, but once we got back together we had a great time and there seemed to be some new energy buzzing through the room. Also, Ignited makes a good point...think long-term, not short term (a break would be short term and doesn't have to mean ending your drumming career).


It's a marathon, not a sprint.


Hell, go out and get inspired. Go seek out some of the drummers you love to watch and go see them play (or rent the DVDs or whatever). Or just go out and see other drummers play who you HAVEN'T seen before.


Don't let it get you down.

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Right now, is when you need to start working on rudiments HEAVILY.


Let me introduce a concept to you.




This made a major change in the way I viewed drumming.


Get out your pad, and see how many triplets you can do in a row with one hand, and see how fast you can do them.


Try to learn the heel-toe technique, you just practice it on the floor.



Start listening to so traditional music from the Isles. Check out the Black Guard; if they don't inspire you, I don't know what to tell you other than now is the time to for you to hold your drumming ground and move forward - not retreat!






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Originally posted by Liverneck

Seek out new civilizations... Boldly go where no man has gone before...



You know, Liverneck, my quote was the original opening to Star Trek, but just hours before the pilot when on the air, the network suits made them change it.


In their quest for a diverse cast of players of every ethnicity and walk of life, the producers also had the Kirk role originally set up where Kirk was a cross dresser and Spock's lover. Rumor has it that Shatner was really disappointed when they re-wrote his part.

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Originally posted by 2FunkyInHere




The Man lives down the street from me. I personally know the guy. He has no idea why so many people hate him and want to stick it to him.

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Originally posted by Old Steve

The Man lives down the street from me. I personally know the guy. He has no idea why so many people hate him and want to stick it to him.



Naw, I am the man. The lady in the Jack-in-the-Box drive through told me so. Who knew?

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Have a couple of drinks and try on women's clothing.....




change the oil in your car....


Don't have a car but does bleeding the radiators count?


check the batteries in your smoke detector.




shave something.....


Shish?!?!?! ;)



Dunno about Extreme Sport Drumming, too competetive. Drumming is something I love and do it for enjoyment - or think I do.

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Originally posted by Old Steve

You know, Liverneck, my quote was the original opening to Star Trek, but just hours before the pilot when on the air, the network suits made them change it.

In their quest for a diverse cast of players of every ethnicity and walk of life, the producers also had the Kirk role originally set up where Kirk was a cross dresser and Spock's lover. Rumor has it that Shatner was really disappointed when they re-wrote his part.



I remember that. The Rodenberry's were planning on marketing bra's and panties for the 'modern starship captain' after the 4th episode, but the concept was dropped and the dream was never realized.


"Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a gynocolgist!"

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hey rocklord, listen up. Some good advice here.


So you're in a rut eh? Hmmm, you must be like the 1st person that that's ever happened to... Listen, we all get in a rut, and how you *think* about your situation will determine how you get on.


Get yourself these two books:


Mastery - George Leonard

What To Say When You Talk To Yourself - Shad Helmstteter



Really, everyone, check these out.




Really though, the books, the books. Invaluable!

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I have been "padding" alot lately just simply to increase my speed and accuracy. For motivation, I just keep increasing the metronome speed and continually try to get it higher.


I have started out with four taps to the "tick" at 40 BPM and read the entire first page of stones book.......and just keep turning the dial higher. When I hit a wall, I work on that speed and it gives me motivation to try to go faster.....

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Something to help keep things interesting is to learn different genres and play those grooves in different styles. Cross over salsa rhythms into rock, samba into funk etc.. It's also fun to work on polyrhythms and jimeolas. like 7/8 with the hands and 5/8 with the feet, and so on. some cool grooves can come out of messing around with polyrhythms.

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The first step on the road to recovery has taken place. Retail therapy!!


There's a Yam DTXpress 3 turning up today and I'll be ordering a Gibraltar rack in the next week or so.


Thanks for the advice guys. I'm just bored with this album taking so long!!


It's sounding really good though, I'll post some links when the website is up and running.

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