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Crazy ebay DW drum auctions!


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There are currently THREE guys on ebay all selling complete DW drum sets at $3,000.00 ....$3,975.00....and $4,500. Now these guys have little or no feed back and have NO pics! The only one that has a "pic" is a close up of a drum shell! And then, you can't really tell what it is!


My question is, do they really think people that buy these expensive sets are going to buy them sight unseen? With no proof that they do actually own the set?? I have not seen THREE DW complete sets before, going at the prices they are asking and no picks and very little (if any on one) feedback.


Here are the three auctions on ebay respectively.


This one is wanting three thousand dollars for the set.




This one is wanting $3,975 for the set.(Well...at least he has a close up of a drum!)




And lastly this one wants $4,500 (to start) on the set.




Now mabye these guys have a reason for not posting pics, as one said there was not time.....but to ask people to spend THAT kind of money on a set and little feedback and no pics?? Sorry, I just don't buy it. I was looking for a set for my church. The Drummer said he wants either a DW set or a pearl masters series, but to be quite frank, I just could NOT reccomend these auctions to him because I really don't trust them myself!

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I certainly wouldn't bid on them.

No pictures? No feedback?


That's trouble just waiting to happen if you ask me. There's been a significant number of scams on eBay ... and these auctions can't be ruled out when you have no evidence to support that the product even exists.


Why would you want to buy something like that when you can't even see what it looks like?


The only way I would bid is I was planning to physically pick-up the drums and pay in person. And I would pay with something that would provide a little bit of protection, like a Cashiers Check from my bank.


These drums could be stolen for all you know. No pictures is a nice way of hiding what they have.


Again ... I don't know for sure, and neither do you ... which is the whole point. The fact that you are uncertain means that you've got enough sense to not just through caution to the wind.

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Originally posted by drummercafe

I certainly wouldn't bid on them.

No pictures? No feedback?

That's trouble just waiting to happen if you ask me. There's been a significant number of scams on eBay ... and these auctions can't be ruled out when you have no evidence to support that the product even exists.

Why would you want to buy something like that when you can't even see what it looks like?

The only way I would bid is I was planning to physically pick-up the drums and pay in person. And I would pay with something that would provide a little bit of protection, like a Cashiers Check from my bank.

These drums could be stolen for all you know. No pictures is a nice way of hiding what they have.

Again ... I don't know for sure, and neither do you ... which is the whole point. The fact that you are uncertain means that you've got enough sense to not just through caution to the wind.





Believe me, I had NO intention of buying anything that expensive without at least proof of homemade pics AND a good rating! Even then, you have to be careful, but the odds are a lot better than now. Those auctions seemed like scams from the get-go!

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Originally posted by MightyBricklayer

those are idiot scams. there is no possible way to feel bad for someone who gets jacked like that.



If by "jacked", you mean ripped off, swindled etc. I could and would feel sorry for them. It's all fair and well spotting a scam when you know what you're looking for. You need to remember what it was like the first few times you were on e-bay and bear in mind that just because people are on the net, it doesn't mean they know how to use it, or know to check if they see a dodgy link.


If you'd bought a crappy kit that was promised as a DW on your first few times on ebay and then found it was a Pearl Export or a Pacific you'd be really pissed off.


I work in the IT "industry" and the majority of peoply only have a basic knowledge of the internet, let alone bidding sites like ebay.


Just because you know about e-bay and (maybe) the internet, it's not right -IMO- to beat someone down just because they're not sure.


Seems like you feel very superior.

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Sorry that I didn't post the links all the way. But I have to agree with the last post. Just because someone is new and "green" that is no reason to take advantage of them. Now I have been around drummers most of my life, so I know what the difference is between maple shells, birch shells, heads, how to tune a drum head properly, etc. But a lot of people as was stated, do not know....hence my post. Sorry to those of you that thought that I would do something stupid like bid on one of those auctions. I was merely pointing them out!

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