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Bearing edges beat to death!!


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I got a call from an old band mate that needed a fill in drummer for the weekend. There drummer's wife is ready to have a baby this weekend. So my gear is setup at practice an hour away. So I call my old pal up to use his kit. FYI he is just a play at home guy. I knew his heads were pounded into the ground and I knew he wanted his new heads put on. I though this would be a good time to do that for him. These are Yamaha Maple Custom's that never seen a stage unlike mine that have many scratches and dings from stage hands and sound guys. Anyway I took the 8" tom head off (batter side) and 1/4 of the bearing edge is beat to piss. I must say this scares me from ever letting another soul open there set on my kit. This has such a devestaing effect on the sound of the drum it is not even funny. I have never encountered this before in my 18 years of playing. The rest of the drums also had damage on the bearing edges. He bought a kit identical to mine and I could hear the loss in quality from the edges being damaged.

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I just don't know how that would be possible. You'd have to try pretty hard to hit the edges, and even then you'd miss most of the time and end up hitting the rims or coming up short of the edges themselves.


Then again, I suppose anything is possible. That's a bummer.

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Were the heads themselves damaged at all? The only time I've seen anything like this was on a crappy snare my bassist's boss scored. The head was ancient and instead of replacing or tuning it, whoever was using it just kept cranking down on the head and kept it as tight as possible. At some point, the head actually split along the bearing edge and they kept playing it, doing rim shots, etc. It chewed up the bearing edge quite a bit.

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