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Good newb setup?


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There are kind of two sides to those starter kits...


They're really convenient in the sense that you get everything you need to start spinning all at once, and that's probably what draws most people toward buying them. They'll certainly get you going, and you can get a feel for what you might want out of your next round of gear. Most of the time when you're just starting out, you don't really know exactly what features you need, and the shortcomings of the cheapish equipment that usually comes with these things will help you sort that out. And for a beginner, the equipment really isn't so important as just getting your hands on some decks and getting the basics down, and extra bells & whistles on fancier stuff can be a distraction/crutch and take your focus away from really learning what you need to know.


But it's after you start getting to know what you're doing that the other side comes in to play. Once you realize what you want and need your equipment to do, you'll be frustrated when you have to replace the stuff you just bought to get it. And of course your once new gear is now used, which means you lose lotsa money when you sell it.


My advice is to find some decent used gear and piece it together a bit at a time if you have the patience. That way you get better equipment that will take you longer to outgrow, and you don't lose your ass if you decide you don't like it and swap it for something else. And if you do like it, it'll probably last just as long as the brand new yet lower quality stuff that comes in the package.


Getting quality, yet simple used gear a bit at a time is IMO the best way to start out.

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less you want to just play music for weddings and such, they're bad.


for the mixing thing however you should assemble it a little at a time.


go for the numark pro tt1+ or the pro tt2s they are grand and really cheap now seeing as they are really old now. amazing torque and a couple of simple yet nice features. and very durable



as for mixers get something simple with an x fader(a fader that when in the middle you can hear both sides at equal power) and a headphone que in it. you dont need anything fancy really and bpm counters will hurt you depending on what you mix, drum and bass djs cant even use them lol.


get a set of really nice headphones, dj headphones, no radioshack ones like i orriginally bought and ended up using and failing all the time with.


also you might want powered speakers, that way you dont have to blow a ton of money to just hear yourself. powered speakers are just like computer speakers really, in fact you can use computer speakers even, i did, but since i mix drum and bass, the quality of the speakers came into play for the more complex songs


and last but not least by any means get 2 matching records, 2 of the exact same records.


oh and for good mixing tips and stuffwww.recess.co.uk

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