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Modern Drummer or DRUM!?


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modern drummer for me. The feature articles are longer and better written, and they do cover a broad range of artists. I used to own over 200 issues of various drum magazines and I sold all of them last year for $60........:(

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Yeah, I like Modern Drummer better too.


Drum! seems to be edited more for younger drummers who are more likely to be interested in current popular music styles.


Modern Drummer, as pjb points out, seems to cover a broader range of things. I can't tell you how many times I've read about a drummer that I never heard of playing music that I don't listen to in Modern Drummer and picked up something that can be transfered to whatever I'm doing.

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I have had my MD subscription for quite a while now. There always seems to be tons of articles with great info. I have picked up a couple issues of DRUM!, the Elvin Jones tribute and the Prog-Rock special, but other then those, the magazines seems to focus on "popular" music.

- Mike

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Originally posted by steamyz

Borders carries rythm....i like it best - and the CD is awesome. The others should pick up on that and run with it, considering how easy it is to produce these days.



CD distribution is old technology now. Publishing is into web based distribution. Check out Modern Drummers Web site for supplements to its articles.

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That's as may be but there's nothing like a cd you can pop in your player and jam along to, the backing tracks and lessons on the Rhythm cd are on the whole well worth the cost of the magazine, if they put the articles and lessons on the web for download you'd then have to burn them to cd yourself to use,(yes I know cd's only cost about 8p but that's beside the point) not everyone has or wants computer, even in this day and age and there's nothing to beat having those smooth glossy pages to browse through at your leisure, on the bus to work or sitting out in the garden on a sunny day or to look engrossed in to avoid housework, sex etc.

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Originally posted by rca

CD distribution is old technology now. Publishing is into web based distribution. Check out Modern Drummers Web site for supplements to its articles.

The CD is not a suppliment to the magazine. Rather, it contains lessons and a couple of songs by major artists without drum parts for you to play along. There is an instructer teaching the styles and different grooves.

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